What should I do if my date flakes?

First off, a last minute reschedule is different than a flake

When dealing with a legit reschedule, I give her 1 more chance to hang out, and expect her to make it up to me.
If she doesn’t step up her game and try to help plan the date by offering times, and then during the date doesn’t do something extra cool, she loses points.
-I don’t hint at any of this, I just wait for it to happen, and it was always a good example of her personality and what the future may hold.

Now if she legit flakes = she is dead to me


Dealing with lots of flaking numbers and dates?
Not sure where you are going wrong?

I can help
1on1 Private Coaching = https://thebravohood.com/coaching/1-on-1-coaching
Phone Coaching = https://thebravohood.com/coaching/phone-coaching
Online Dating Program= https://thebravohood.com/coaching/online-game
Discord= https://thebravohood.com/discord

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