1on1 Private Coaching

One weekend will change your life, the absolute FASTEST way to level up your dating skills!

  • 100% PRIVATE – The only way anyone will ever know you did this, is if you tell them.
  • 100% CUSTOM– Before your private 1on1, we’ll spend time together narrowing down what’s holding you back.
  • We’ll work side by side to fast track your skills to break through approach anxiety with women and master life skills that can help you build lasting relationships with dating (online and in-person), friends, and work. Remember, this experience is custom to you, so everything you learn will work with your personality and your goals.
  • “This all sounds good so far but what does the day look like when I’m there?” In the morning, we’ll go over your questions and talk about your game plan. In the afternoon, we put that plan into action and I’ll be your personal wingman as you approach women. You’ll receive instant feedback so that each interaction will be better than the last.
  • There’s only so much you can learn, reading, watching and listening to content. If you want to find out what you can accomplish in just one weekend and actually make in-person connections with others, it’s time to do something for yourself and work with the best in the industry. See you soon.

You’ve made it this far. Apply for your life changing session by sending the following info to- Bravo@TheBravohood.com with the subject line

“I want 1on1 coaching”

In the email include

  1. Your age (must be at least 18)
  2. Your name
  3. A recent picture
  4. What issues you think are holding you back from having the dating life you want
  5. A phone number, and some times that you are free

You’ll hear back from me directly so we can start planning. Looking forward to hearing how we can get you on the path that you’ve always wanted to be on!

Feedback from a few previous students

…if you are still unsure that this is for you, scroll down a little and read a few comments from previous 1on1 students.


28 thoughts on “1on1 Private Coaching

  1. If you’re on the fence about whether this is the right choice for you, let me assure you, it absolutely is, and you should jump on it ASAP – my biggest mistake was to wait too long to do this.

    Doing 1-on-1 coaching with Stephen has been nothing short of awesome. It’s not an exaggeration to say that working with him has cut months, if not years, off my learning curve. Stephen is outstanding in 1-on-1 coaching, offering an incredible amount and depth of information and a customized structured approach. Over just one weekend, I was inundated with invaluable insights on topics like levels of energy, DHVs, how to be the exception, conversation steering… and much much more. But what makes Stepehen truly exceptional is not just his mastery over his craft, it’s also his character. He’s not only a top-tier professional but also a genuinely great guy who’s living his best life.

    Choosing Stephen as a coach means choosing to accelerate your journey towards your dreams.

  2. The shorthand version of my review is that Bravo is an amazing coach, and an even better person.

    Now for the longer review:

    This is coming from the perspective of someone who has played and won a certain 30 day challenge at least 3-4 times at various stretch points of his life, starting with his Freshman year of college. The rules were simple – do the daily missions, and win it by getting a girl’s number and going on a date with her at any point within its 30 days. That said, as anyone who has attempted to learn pickup knows, the process of actually taking on this challenge is extremely difficult. The truth is that almost every aspect of how you interact with the world needs to be tweaked or changed completely, and actually making these changes takes time and effort. It’s extremely easy to go down the wrong path by overlooking various aspects of yourself, not get the results you want (even after making the effort), and burn out. This is especially true if you’ve only ever attempted to learn the game solo, without any real guidance, as I have.

    I reached out to Bravo specifically because of his background with said challenge. You see, I could never stick the landing regardless of the amount of effort I put into playing the game. I would go through the missions, “win” the challenge after 2-3 months, and for whatever reason eventually revert to my pre-challenge self, wasting all of the effort. Looking back, part of it was definitely the intensity of the school I went to. That said, I played the challenge enough times where I knew that there were definitely other factors at play – subconscious mistakes I was making that I weren’t aware of and therefore couldn’t fix. It got to the point where the process of taking on the challenge to learn pickup turned into a pretty bad cycle. I’d play the game, usually get a date or two, and then eventually give up and revert to my earlier self – rinse and repeat.

    The worst part is that life eventually catches up to everyone. It’s been years since the last time I played the game. The truth is that I’m out of practice, and I’m nowhere near that modest skill level that I once had. Let’s just say that after one particularly bad social experience, I woke up the next morning realizing that I wasn’t 18 anymore, that I had wasted a lot of time leaving this part of my life up to chance, and that my best shot at getting good at the game came in the form of jumping into pickup one last time. The only question was “What could I do differently so that I could actually stick the landing this time”?

    From the moment I met Bravo in person, I got the type of feedback that I needed. Previously, I would open and push sets forward mostly through willpower alone, unaware that I was making subconscious mistakes that were already in the process of sinking me. Bravo studied me, pointed out the issues I needed to fix, and gave me concrete recommendations of how to fix them. He was tough, calm, and fair – all while being a great mentor and an even better person. It was a humbling and eye-opening experience. After all, you can’t fix the issues that you can’t see, and I definitely didn’t see them. The truth is that I really did need someone with the experience to mentor and provide me with the feedback that I needed to succeed.

    My story is still very much in progress. I’ve spent the last week since my one on one with Bravo, combing through my notes and taking the actions that I need to take to implement his feedback to the best of my ability. I can already tell that these upcoming months will be both challenging and rewarding, given that these are actions that I have never done before. All I want is to stick the landing; it’s my hope that this will be the last time that I’ll need to go through this personal journey. Bravo, thanks for all of your help. Thanks for believing in me and giving me the confidence that I could actually make this happen. As far as I’m concerned, you’re a mentor and a friend. I’ll be in touch.


  3. Bravo cares about the people he coaches, and helps them level up in ALL areas of their lives. I know my life is MUCH better because of listening to his advice, and he has never steered me wrong. People now can’t believe it when I tell them I used to be an introvert and too shy to talk to women, but Bravo helped change all of that with his amazing coaching. If you want to improve any area of your life you need someone to help coach you, and when it comes to relationships, becoming more social, and anything about being a better man, you can’t go wrong with coaching from Bravo!

  4. Bravo’s unique approach to coaching is by far the best there is. He’s not trying to make you into something you aren’t, but rather helping you become the best version of yourself. By doing that, dating comes naturally.

    I have personally benefited from his coaching and have been married for 8 years now with two children and one more on the way. I can personally say I’ma better man from knowing him and benefiting from his coaching. I can also say there’s very few people that set such an example of integrity in their own personal life the way he does.

    Do yourself the favor of trying his one on one coaching. You will have to do the work, but if you do, it can be life changing. I highly recommend Bravo for all of his training!

  5. When it comes to dating coaches, there is no question Bravo is the man to see! After
    just two days of 1 on 1 coaching, there is definite improvement in my game.  I came to cover
    basic sticking points such as approach anxiety, developing self-confidence, escalating
    conversations, and number closing. These points were not only covered, but so much more
    information was addressed.

    Starting each day, Bravo drops so much information and touches
    on a ton of subjects, but it’s never too much for the student to handle. Then the second half of the day we went infield to the mall. The first day went well but not exceptional. After each set
    Bravo breaks things down and you go right back into the next one more prepared. The second day was much more difficult to get rolling into sets, but when he saw me getting overwhelmed he reassessed the days assignment and made adjustments. To me this showed how good of a coach he really is, because he adjusted the objective to make my approaches and conversations much more effective and positive instead of continuing what wasn’t working for me.
    After it was all said and done we went to dinner to debrief the weekend. While we were eating our waitress came over and handed me her number on a piece of paper. All this happened without me even asking for it. I followed Bravo and his work for a few years before pulling the trigger on a 1 on 1 session with him and I wish I had done it a long time ago. Without a doubt he is an unbelievable coach and this shows by being able to cover a ton of valuable information quickly, motivate the student to complete their daily objectives infield and out, and giving constructive criticism on sets.
    Lastly, when he is coaching he is completely locked in. Each day we went well beyond our scheduled time together, and he continued to give valuable Information. The entire time, you have his undivided attention and he gives you more than you pay for. 

    The past two days were incredible and I can’t wait till the next time I’m able to go back! Not
    only were my sticking points covered but my expectations were exceeded. If you’re looking to
    level up any part of your life, there’s no one else I recommend to see more than Bravo!

    Thanks for an awesome weekend!

  6. A Weekend of Epic Proportions! My 1on1 experience

    Let me start off by saying that Bravo is the real deal and rarely do you meet someone as dynamic as he!

    Let me make some disclaimers about my 1on1 before I go into more detail. Bravo is awesome, but he is not miracle worker. Spending a weekend with him is not going to magically change your life. It can definitely help, but if you want real results you have to be committed to working hard, busting your ass and breaking out of your comfort zone long after you leave the 1on1. However, if you are willing to put in the work, Bravo can and will help you make huge changes to your life.

    Another note: Leave your ego and pride at home. Bravo tells it like it is. He will be blunt, direct and won’t hold anything back and it may be uncomfortable for you. For instance he would call me out anytime I was using bad posture, body language or doing other things such as speaking to softly etc. It can be jarring at first but it all comes from a place of love. He will break you down but build you up into something stronger and better than before

    ONE HUGE POINT: Time fucking flies during this experience! Make the most of it, try and push your boundaries as much as you can, and you will reap huge benefits.

    The Experience
    Before my 1on1, I had a huge amount of social fear and the thought of merely approaching a girl filled me with crippling anxiety. I was tired of missing opportunities and watching life pass me by as I sat at home laden with regret. I knew something had to change and this led me to contacting Bravo. However, I was full of skepticism. I ended up deciding to take a huge leap of faith and I am damn glad I did. I signed up for a weekend to learn social dynamics but what I received was something much much greater. Bravo goes the extra mile for his students and routinely went way above and beyond for me.

    The first day of our session was dedicated to theory and inner game, followed by approaching store clerks at the mall. I won’t disclose all of the advice and theory Bravo gave me but let me just say he helped me crush my approach anxiety.

    My first approaches were very awkward but Bravo broke everything down for me and highlighted my bad habits and tendencies. These are little things I have done my whole life that would otherwise be completely unknown to me. None of my family/friends would have ever noticed. This was huge for me and one of the reasons the session was so beneficial, How can you correct something that you don’t know that you’re doing. After we made it through the approaches we got some sushi for dinner and he demonstrated his charm on the waitress. Although our day was technically finished he asked if had any questions. I asked him several questions pertaining to my job and I won’t go into specifics but Bravo spent at least 2 hours giving me amazing information that helped me develop skills which would later land me a big promotion and raise.

    After he went several hours over the session time, I realized this guy is the real deal. He is not just a dating coach, he is a life coach. 1 day in, and I had already made some big breakthroughs with inner game, approached girls, identified bad habits and loaded up a notebook with pages and pages of good information. It was a big first day and it would only get better over the next 2 days.

    Day 2 started with some more relevant theory and information about my sticking points. After a quick lunch we hit the mall again. I was starting to approach with more confidence and already having better interactions than the first day. Bravo continued to pick out things I needed to work on and will likely be working for a while as I continue down the path. One of the highlights of day 2 happened when we went into a retail shop to practice approaches and suddenly this stunningly beautiful girl yells: “Bravo!”, Apparently in a previous 1on1 Bravo had made such an impression on this girl that she had remembered him a year later. This was pretty incredible to me and just further reinforced my belief that Bravo is the real deal. We went to his buddies ramen shop which was amazing and polished off the day with some good whiskey and amazing ramen noodles. Once again he goes at least 2-3 hours over our time.

    Day 3 we focused on gun training to change the pace of 2 days of grinding in the field. Bravo is a great dating coach, but holy crap, he is an insanely good firearms instructor. We even got a whole range to ourselves. After an intense several hours of shooting I went from no gun experience to a much more proficient level. I have no doubts that If I worked with Bravo regularly he could turn me into a warrior. Bravo then took me out to the desert to show me some cool sights and take some DHV pictures for my online dating profiles. On the drive to and from the desert Bravo laid the fundamentals for successful online game and after following his rules for only a few days I got great results! (pictures included)

    We enjoyed a steak and some good beer for our final meal together while debriefing about the weekend. He wanted to make sure that all of my questions, concerns, sticking points were completely covered. After saying our goodbyes we parted ways.

    What an eye opening experience this was for me. Although I made some big improvements, I know I still have a ton work to do, but for the first time in a long time I wake up feeling optimistic and confident knowing I am on the path to a much better life. Thank you Bravo for being such a badass coach, pushing me out of my comfort zones and really going the extra mile for me.

    Its been about 3 weeks since my 1 on 1 already my life is improving.

    I have gone on 3 dates now from cold approaching girls, and I pulled 2 of them back to my pad.

    My online game is blowing up! I used to get very few matches and now I am seeing a massive increase in matches and dates.

    Using tools Bravo taught me, I locked down a huge promotion at my job!

    My family and friends have noticed and commented on me appearing happier and more confident.

    Thanks again!

  7. I had my one on one with Bravo this weekend and when I landed I didn’t really know what to expect. When I told him where I would meet him even then I knew he was asking where I would be to test how I was thinking. He later gave me tips on planning ahead rather than just trying to plan things last minute.

    I’ve known for a while that I’ve been needing to kick my life into high gear, but I never really had a blueprint or template of any kind to follow along with for where I wanted to take things. When it comes to my dating life for most of my life I’ve been able to hook up with girls, but not any that I considered desirable. I was more or less caught in a perpetual cycle of validation seeking, porn overload, or settling for whatever I was offered from whatever girls would date me.

    One of the first things Bravo noticed during our first meal was how much of a negative look I have. He actually took a picture then told me to smile with my whole face and showed me the two. I had no idea I was even waking around like that all this time. I think the people who know have kind of accepted that so they probably never think to say anything. The first thing I was told we were going to work on was being positive and smiling more.

    We arrived at my hotel after breakfast and dropped my stuff off so we could go to the gun range. I noticed right away how social and charismatic Bravo is with other people. We worked on the proper way to load and use a glock 19 for a few hours. From time to time I was caught not actively listening and reminded this is something likely affecting quality women deciding whether or not to continue an interaction with me.

    When we returned to my hotel we had our first inner game discussion as we were training in some basic edge weapons drills. The lesson went on for a few hours, but was worth the hardass heart to heart about manning up in life and taking the time to really decide what to say and how to say it. I was then given an overview of the week and later we reconvened for the best pork ramen dish I’ve ever had in my life.

    The thing about Bravo is a lot of the questions he asks you gets you to reframe your own thought process. It kinda sucks to hear at first because you’re so used to living life a certain way, but if you’re like me things are most likely not going the way you wanted. That’s why I was so willing to change.

    The next few nights mostly consisted of going to the local malls and talking to women to get over approach anxiety, work on conversation steering and building an emotional connection. I stumbled through quite a few sets early on, but also started to finally get a grip and really think before I speak so I can lead with a more mindful and positive vibe.

    We went through a lot of notebook work and assignments in the hotel room and I still have a lot of work to do in a lot of areas, particularly in my wardrobe, but as soon as I was dropped back off at the airport I started noticing how much more positive, present and mindful I was. I met a girl at a restaurant in the airport and have a day 2 with her this week for tacos and margaritas. I also matched with like four other girls already who want to meet me this week and next, so I now need to work on scheduling dates more efficiently since I haven’t really had this issue before.

    I told Bravo when he dropped me off I plan to do two of these one on ones a year to re-evaluate where I’m at in my relationship goals and in the other areas of life I want to level up in. I see the value in this type of coaching as compared to online or phone coaching and I would highly recommend to anyone here who is struggling to square your finances away so you can make a good investment in yourself.

    I’m thankful for the wake up call I got and feel kinda like Neo from the matrix. I’m noticing all these little negative things I was doing and the way women are responding to me is different already.

    Thank you, Bravo!

  8. Ive been looking back on the last 8 months since my one on one with you and my life has completely changed. I waited so long before I made the decision to even reach out about coaching and now can’t understand why. I came to you to get better with women and the result has been a complete life upgrade. The possibilities and opportunities I have today would have never been available had I not made the decision to work with you. I have so much gratitude for you and what you’ve done for me in my life and pushing me to be better while giving me the tools and mindset I needed to level up my life. There is no way I would be who I am or where I am today without your help! Thank you for all you do man!

  9. What an epic weekend with Stephen. I was broken when I came out to Phoenix. He broke me down and built me up. He got to the root of my issue with crazy women. It was a total enlightening moment for me. Stephen will do a program specifically to your situation. This isn’t a cookie cutter program. You are going to have to work your ass off, but it’s so worth it.
    Seeing him in the field was amazing. He is the master of cocky and funny with women. Beautiful woman were totally into him. He will teach you how to do it, but it’s going to take practice.
    Firearms training is a must. I haven’t shot since I was 14. He is an expert in dating and firearms.
    It was a life-changing weekend.
    Totally worth every penny.
    I am rebuilt and a new man!

  10. Stephen is the real deal and rarely do you meet someone as dynamic as he!
    What an eye opening experience this was for me. Although I made some big improvements, I know I still have a ton work to do, but for the first time in a long time I wake up feeling optimistic and confident knowing I am on the path to a much better life. Thank you Stephen for being such a badass coach, pushing me out of my comfort zones and really going the extra mile for me.
    Its been about 3 weeks since my 1 on 1 already my life is improving.
    I have gone on 3 dates now from cold approaching girls, and I pulled 2 of them back to my pad.
    My online game is blowing up! I used to get very few matches and now I am seeing a massive increase in matches and dates.
    Using tools Stephen taught me, I locked down a huge promotion at my job!
    My family and friends have noticed and commented on me appearing happier and more confident.
    Thanks again!
    (entire thread)

  11. It was great meeting you in person for our 1-on-1 coaching and these 4 days were definitely one of the highlights of my life so far.
    It was always difficult to socialize for me and on top of that being an Indian immigrant with real thick accent made it worse.
    It’s amazing that even when you think you mastered the in-room session; going out in the field makes you realize it’s not easy.
    Opened about 40+ sets, I seriously believe it was one of the best investments I made!

  12. weylin :

    1on1coaching,35yrs .divorced.no life loser sugarland,tx,lost my job girl have money no friends all have girlfriends or marriedno wingman no coach

    looks like you missed the part where I said email me….

  13. 1on1coaching,35yrs .divorced.no life loser sugarland,tx,lost my job girl have money no friends all have girlfriends or marriedno wingman no coach

  14. Juan :

    Hey Bravo I just found you on youtube and well done, man. I’ve been going out more than before lately, just trying to meet new people: guys or girls, it doesn’t matter. I’m trying to get it so I have this cool extensive circle of friends I can always hang out with and are just cool people. I don’t know if you travel anymore or anything like that, nor how much you charge, or anything like that. I’m 21 years old at the moment, hit me up with the details of going out together and working the scene for a day or two.

    thanks man!
    but if asking about 1on1 coaching, please re-read what I wrote about and apply

  15. Hey Bravo I just found you on youtube and well done, man. I’ve been going out more than before lately, just trying to meet new people: guys or girls, it doesn’t matter. I’m trying to get it so I have this cool extensive circle of friends I can always hang out with and are just cool people. I don’t know if you travel anymore or anything like that, nor how much you charge, or anything like that. I’m 21 years old at the moment, hit me up with the details of going out together and working the scene for a day or two.

  16. Hi,
    Mark – 38 – England
    Bravo, really like the idea of couple of days of coaching.
    I’ve been into the Game for a while, been with 50 ish women.
    Just got out of a 3 year relationship and feel quite rusty.
    Sticking points are actually having the courage to het up and make
    approaches without having too much to drink – at which point your
    game is not so good. Kind of feel a bit old for going out to clubs, but would
    like to explore other avenues apart from clubs and bars.
    Interested in 2 days of night and day game, also willing to travel.

  17. Had a 1 on 1 coaching with Bravo for three whole days. Those three days completely change my life, not just in terms of getting better with women. But as a whole, to help me be a complete man!!! Its just not coaching, its an adventure filled experiance.
    He helped me conquere my fears and AFC self doubts, that I had since me and my ex-fiancé brake up. Dusted off the real me, and showed and taught me how to be the awesome kick ass man that wanted to come out.
    From his coaching, I’m currently banging 2 chicks at the moment and with his teachings, I landed my dream job. Bravo 1 on 1 is a priceless experience and something that you will use and never forget for the rest of your life.
    Thanks Bravo for showing the light to me!!! I’m will always be greatful for what you did for me.

  18. Bravo,
    I’ll start with the bullet points
    Age: 27
    Location: San Diego
    Experience: Had like 2 brief GFs in college, and a 3 year relationship during law school. Otherwise, around these I’ve been with between 85-90 girls.
    Basically, before my 3 year relationship, I was great. Didn’t know any of the PUA stuff but guess college and having some of that stuff come naturally I just did well. Anyway, since me and my GF split, my confidence has not come back and I am really off and on. I get the typical anxiety in opening, but once its opened, I am just a descent talker, so I usually have descent middle game. However, and I guess this is where the difference between my old self and new self come in, is my closing def seems to be off.
    Days of coaching: No idea, hit me up on my email so I can get an idea of how this all works and we’ll take it from there.

  19. bravo
    Im 24 Ive got game to a point my friends call me breadcrumbs because they send me out and all the birds flock to me i have no trouble approaching and getting any group laughing without cannned routines and lead them back to my friends or where ever i want but they also give me shit saying i can talk my way into a girls pants then talk my way out because im a dumb ass and cant read IOI’s i also have trouble pulling the trigger…. because i cant read these things. ive slept and dated with 15+ women in the 5-7 range but i want to make something happen with the 8-10s that always just slip out of my grasp!
    how much for your help? i live in australia so 1 on 1 will probably be a problem lol but keen for some feedback by email

  20. Jacob :

    In the email include

    I’m 26
    Cincinnati, OH
    I’ve had two girl friends, many years ago, but still a virgin.

    I would like to develop a very strong internal state of confidence that lasts permanently. My confidence seems more like a roller coaster of sorts. I want to be able to do successful direct approaches, and I would also like to become much better conversationally with women. I have been somewhat of a loner these past few years, so recently I’ve been putting myself out there, sparking up random conversations when I get the chance. I still get major approach anxiety when thinking about or trying to approach women. I appreciate any help you can offer, thanks.

    A weekend of coaching would be awesome!

    don’t plan it out here….need to email me brother!

  21. In the email include
    I’m 26
    Cincinnati, OH
    I’ve had two girl friends, many years ago, but still a virgin.
    I would like to develop a very strong internal state of confidence that lasts permanently. My confidence seems more like a roller coaster of sorts. I want to be able to do successful direct approaches, and I would also like to become much better conversationally with women. I have been somewhat of a loner these past few years, so recently I’ve been putting myself out there, sparking up random conversations when I get the chance. I still get major approach anxiety when thinking about or trying to approach women. I appreciate any help you can offer, thanks.
    A weekend of coaching would be awesome!

  22. Bravo,
    I am interested in your 1 on 1 training. I think I would prefer to come to your area versus you coming to mine. The timing will depend on the cost associated with this type of training. I have done some coaching calls with you but I think I really need some 1 on 1 training to get me to the next level. Below are the answers to your requested questions.
    1. I am 38 years old.
    2. Live in Houston Texas.
    3. I was married for 15 years but I calculated before and after my marriage I have had sex with only 21 women.
    4. Sticking point consist of multiple items:
    .The biggest thing is being more consistent and understanding what is working when it works and why.
    .Amping up attraction during a conversation.
    .Understanding the social dynamics of the conversation in more detail.
    .Isolating and closing.
    5. A weekend of coaching would probably be good enough for our first get together.

  23. Bravo’s 1 on 1 coaching is epic. I did two days with him and the result, he changed my life. Before meeting up with him, I was the guy standing just watching everything happen, always wondering what it would be like to be to talk to model’s and have girls BEGGING for my attention.
    Thanks to Bravo, my dream’s are a reality in only 48 hours! I opened this group of models, and noticed how the guys near by were staring at me, shocked, wishing that they could be the ones talking to the models. Even had girls just doing anything just to have my attention. Which was a complete shock to me!
    Thank you Bravo for changing my life, I can never thank you enough what you did for me!

  24. Ryanlondon :

    Dude if you have London one planned, lemme know!

    Bravo quality is not cheap though, right? 🙂

    1 on 1 is me coming to you, or you coming to me, and each planned accordingly, if you want more info email me!

  25. I’ve been to RSD*, Mystery-method** (before Venusians Arts took shape).
    I’ve learned more from one evening with Bravo than I’ve learned from 3-day boot-camps with MM and RSD.
    Bravo’s coaching is precisely tailored to your personality and your background.
    What he gives you, works for you, guaranteed!

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