After 16+ years of coaching, there is a reason there isn’t 1 negative review ANYWHERE online about me-
I am great at helping guys transform their dating lives!
But, don’t just take my word for it.
The forum, Discord, and my IG page all have countless reviews from previous students, below are just a few of my favorites. But even maybe more impressive is that if you scroll down you will see I am the only Dating Coaching in the world to be endorsed by every legend from THE GAME!
A great coach, a great example, and most importantly a great friend and mentor to every student
-Neil Strauss ( aka Style author of THE GAME )
If you simply allow him, Bravo WILL change your life. You WILL become solid. No question, he delivers the goods.
Of the few coaches out there, Bravo is for real. He’s dedicated, a very good teacher, believes in what he is doing & actually assists his students in getting results! GO to his bootcamps and tell him I sent you.
-Ross Jeffries
To say that Bravo has “skills” as a Dating Coach or as an engaging and articulate seminar speaker is an understatement. His presentation, at my –Becoming A Powerful Man Workshop, was filled with so much user-friendly material and practical advice that anyone could start using the information to immediately improve their Dating Results.
-Steve P
If you want to learn to be MANLY listen to Bravo. If you want to learn how to wear a boa, lipstick, and fingernail paint there are PUA guys that teach that as well. Bravo = two thumbs up
Bravo, I’ve had dozen of teachers, you’re one of the few who has made a crucial difference in my life. You taught me how to appreciate people, and your devotion to my learning inspired me to become a better teacher.
Bootcamp Alumni
Ph.D university teacher
Just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me. Don’t know where I would be without you. In a field where there are a lot of people after the all mighty dollar, it’s good to see somebody who really cares. My life has changed drastically because of you.
I’m the man I want to be, because you believed in me, and refused to give up on me.
I remember on a coaching call, you said “if you’re not going to put in the work, I’m wasting my time, and I will give you your money back.”
What kind of PUA does that. I’ll tell you, an honest guy with integrity.
Thanks again, brotha.UPDATE:
Hey, brotha.. Thanks for talking to me the other day… Honored to have you as a friend…When you first started coaching me, could not even make eye contact with another person… Now married to the woman of my dreams. Cannot thank you enough. Thanks for always believing in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself… More people should know how awesome your coaching is… Also, so awesome that you actually care, and not one of these guys just trying to get internet famous… Thanks again, would recommend you to anybody seeking any kind of life coaching!
Real coaches like Bravo teach men (and taught me) to respect women, teach men confidence, and to understand that women are not an alien species to be feared, that require bizarre and even socially unacceptable behavior.
Beyond that, real dating coaches like Bravo and his team are what gave me the confidence to tell the girl I knew was perfect for me for the past 7 years (Jenna that’s you!) how I feel about her.
Bravo teaches men to better their life – with the goal of being more successful with women – by improving themselves, by identifying areas of their life and their personal image which others – not just women – would not find ideal, and improving them.
I would not hesitate to credit Bravo and many of his team with helping me find the confidence I needed to force people to see my skills at work, which quickly propelled me from PC World assistant to Senior Mobile Developer at a greater London area based technology company!
Bravo – I sending this to you in the hopes that other guys who are struggling to find answers about online dating read this. Feel free to share it. It’s honest, nothing more, nothing less.
Let me preface this by noting I am a clinical and forensic psychologist (yes, doctorate level). I study people. I can’t even estimate the number of couples I have counseled. Almost six weeks ago, my relationship finally ended (a dentist can still get a cavity). I have heard horror stories about online dating from both male and female patients. In the same boat, I was confused, anxious, and even considered returning to that terrible ex. Online dating isn’t natural, and it’s fucking weird. I sought some clarity on the internet and repeatedly saw folks referencing someone named Bravo. I finally found a video of him explaining online dating. It blew my mind! I sought him out, and it’s paid off in dividends already. I would have never figured this out on my own despite seven years of grad school and a ton of professional experience. My online game is like fishing with dynamite. He has made it so easy!
As a psychologist, I am amazed at what you have put together, Bravo. It all makes so much sense now, and the results speak for themselves. You are my new favorite person! I’m so impressed. You have had a major impact on my life in a few short weeks. Thank you! And I hope you know that. You really have!
If you are struggling with online dating, check out Bravo’s online coaching program (after you do, say hi – I am a real person). He has put in years of work figuring this out, so we don’t have to. What you will learn from him is priceless, and the collective mind of the other group members accelerates this process. All the things you won’t even say to your closest friends about your insecurities will at some point come up in the online coaching program. Bravo is the guy I go to for help with online dating. Online dating is confusing! Why struggle?
I can’t thank Bravo enough what has done for me. The guy is amazing. Think about it, he has done things, my parents wouldn’t do. He told me I was worthy of hot chicks. The social skills, he taught me, has helped me in my job, with my family, in everyday situations. There are few things in life that are life changing experience. Meeting Bravo, has changed my life. If you want to get this life handled, contact Bravo!
This guy is extremely good at teaching – not just pick up – we all know he’s great when it comes to that – but after a 6 figure education from a top university, and being a “professional” student most of my life, I can say with complete confidence that I’ve never met a teacher who can convey the message and material in a more efficient and effective method, I’ve only spent 3 hours on the phone with him – and I can tell you right now that my ability to win over sets, groups, and push interactions farther and get VALUE out of every interaction has easily doubled – but I prefer to use the word skyrocketed.
From the first moment I saw Bravo I knew he was the real deal. I had been reading about this stuff and on forums and all that but had never actually seen somebody in person who was USING and APPLYING the material like he was. He became an instant mentor to me. His feedback is specific and on point, but he doesn’t pull any punches. If you can’t take constructive criticism you shouldn’t be talking to him, but if you can…your life and love life will improve ten fold within just a few conversations. I know mine did.
I’ve been active in the community for a long time and a lot of instructors disappoint.You meet them, see their quirks and shifty eyes, and think, “how the hell does THIS nervous guy attract women?!” But the first time I shook Bravo’s hand I knew instantly he was the real deal. The word that strikes me is SOLID. He emanates self-assuredness. His voice, eye contact, movements and gestures are all rooted in an effortless confidence. And he is absolutely fearless in the field. Bravo’s got some of the tightest game I’ve ever seen; I’m talking rockstar shit. I’ve been out with him and personally witnessed some of his escapades with women right there in the club that are so salacious I couldn’t believe the bouncer wasn’t tossing them out. Also, he is a born instructor. I was fortunate enough to have him mentor me and I would learn more from him in one conversation than I would from 3 hours of reading. He has a way of breaking things down so concisely and clearly that you instantly feed off his energy. He is, without a doubt, one of the most motivating teachers I’ve ever met.
During my time as a social artist, I met many if not all of the big names in the industry and The Game. Few of them lived up to the hype. Bravo is one of the guys that actually transcended all expectation. His game is unique, effective, and honest. While most guys can teach OR pick up; he does BOTH better than anyone I have ever seen up close. He takes those skills and applies them into drills that push you to places you never thought you could go. When I was a student in a Stylelife LA bootcamp, he taught me to believe in myself and that I was much better than I thought. Since then I’ve gone onto excel not just with women, but in all areas of my life.
– Topher
His precise, to the point, honest feedback are some of the things that distinguish him from most of the other coaches I’ve met. Confidence, Grace, Calibration, Alpha-Guy-befriending, Closing (k-closing and #-closing in matter of mins), how to be a leader of men – are only few of the many things I have learned from him. Being an immigrant from India, when I met him, I was full of limiting beliefs, and almost negative game. Now I am with a great girl, in an amazing relationship, and great social circle. I’ve learned more from one evening with Bravo than I’ve learned from 3-day boot-camps with (name removed other pick up companies)
Bravo took me under his wing immediately and taught me things that raised my game entire levels each time. I can’t even begin to talk about the subtleties of women, AMOGS, and social dynamics that he has mastered and continued to build upon…many of which he discovered on his own and added to the “gurus” he studied. When I met Bravo, I was at a point where I was outwardly successful with health and wealth. But I was literally deteriorating inside: angry at the world, angry at women, and most importantly angry at myself because of my utter confusion and failings with the opposite sex…for 31 friggin’ years. Only a short time after learning from him, I now have three…lets say “good female friends”…in Phoenix and one in San Francisco for when I travel. If anyone wants to learn internal self-confidence and outward success with women, I have met a LOT of people in the community…and none are more real and truly successful with teaching the game, than him. Thanks for the life lessons Bravo, and I look forward to working with you in the future.
After meeting and going out with Bravo for the first time, I realized not only was this lifestyle real, it was something I was not going to give up on…He exudes his strong inner game which translates into his awesome outer game. The cool thing is that it is very LEARNABLE with him. He has personally taught me more about inner/outer game then anyone else.
– Jai
I really believe that BRAVO was placed on this earth to teach, to motivate, and to show guys the way to success!
– Dave G.
There are a LOT more on my IG page, and on our Discord=
Instagram feedback from students = HERE
Discord feedback from students= HERE
Bravo’s unique approach to coaching is by far the best there is. He’s not trying to make you into something you aren’t, but rather helping you become the best version of yourself. By doing that, dating comes naturally.
I have personally benefited from his coaching and have been married for 8 years now with two children and one more on the way. I can personally say I’m a better man from knowing him and benefiting from his coaching. I can also say there’s very few people that set such an example of integrity in their own personal life the way he does.
Do yourself the favor of trying his one on one coaching. You will have to do the work, but if you do, it can be life changing. I highly recommend Bravo for all of his training!
I recently retired from the military, and had walked away from another unfulfilling romantic relationship. I was stuck in reverse battling with depression, PTSD, a defeatist mindset, and had fallen prey to unhealthy coping mechanisms. I had all but given up when I took a chance on Stephen. My 1 on 1 weekend exceeded all expectations.
I’ve done “pickup” bootcamps before, this was better. What I learned over my weekend transcended strategies and tactics, focusing more on congruence and connection, not just with women, but with everyone. He helped me realize that I didn’t look like the person I had become after leaving the service, and had some long standing conversational habits and mindset issues to work on. This wasn’t just about attracting women, it was life coaching, and the tools he gave me have allowed me to keep moving forward. There’s no substitute.
As a black belt, I was genuinely surprised during our tactical training. It’s rare to meet someone that sees the value of traditional techniques and philosophy but can apply their knowledge and integrate it along with modern practicality. When it came to dealing with a blade and firearm, every clever idea I had was stuffed in short order…and it was awesome. I’m rarely left with a sense of humility and reverence, but I got there. He didn’t just showcase some skills, but gave me sound foundational drills I still practice. The radio training was awesome, I’d used radios for work in the military, even handled the encryption for them. This was more practical for urban and standard situations.
Lastly, I’ll say this. Stephen is a good dude, he’s congruent with what he says he’s about and how he lives. He wants you to win, and he knows you can do it. It’s not about making you his clone, it’s about giving you the tools to meet your definition of success in relationships and as you move forward in life. For me, he overdelivered, and I had a great time.
I wanted to take the time to review Bravo’s Online Game program. It’s the real deal.
I was never really that great with online game. Like many guys, I had a Tinder profile when it first came out. However, I got maybe half a dozen likes in the 2 years I had it before I ended up dropping that app. What’s more, none of these likes ever ended up in a date – or anything else really. If anything, the closest I got solo was being ghosted once in college. Fast forward to today, and I just came back from my 2nd of 2 dates this weekend. Let’s just say that overall I’m pleased with the results (especially with the first one yesterday). Over the past month, I’ve made out with a couple girls and likely went on over half a dozen (1st and 2nd+) dates in total.
My point in writing this out isn’t to gloat, or to pretend that I’m anything special – I’m not. I’m writing this review to make it clear to anyone interested that Bravo’s system works, especially if you actually put in the effort to learn and execute on its lessons. You’ll be surprised at what you can pull off. For context, this is coming from a guy who had his last date back in 2016, as a senior in college (I’m writing this review in June 2024).
It’s a crazy thing when something actually lives up to it’s promise. Let’s just say that my head was spinning after I made out with that first girl. Bravo, thanks again for all of the patience and coaching. Cheers.
The shorthand version of my review is that Bravo is an amazing coach, and an even better person.
Now for the longer review:
This is coming from the perspective of someone who has played and won a certain 30 day challenge at least 3-4 times at various stretch points of his life, starting with his Freshman year of college. The rules were simple – do the daily missions, and win it by getting a girl’s number and going on a date with her at any point within its 30 days. That said, as anyone who has attempted to learn pickup knows, the process of actually taking on this challenge is extremely difficult. The truth is that almost every aspect of how you interact with the world needs to be tweaked or changed completely, and actually making these changes takes time and effort. It’s extremely easy to go down the wrong path by overlooking various aspects of yourself, not get the results you want (even after making the effort), and burn out. This is especially true if you’ve only ever attempted to learn the game solo, without any real guidance, as I have.
I reached out to Bravo specifically because of his background with said challenge. You see, I could never stick the landing regardless of the amount of effort I put into playing the game. I would go through the missions, “win” the challenge after 2-3 months, and for whatever reason eventually revert to my pre-challenge self, wasting all of the effort. Looking back, part of it was definitely the intensity of the school I went to. That said, I played the challenge enough times where I knew that there were definitely other factors at play – subconscious mistakes I was making that I weren’t aware of and therefore couldn’t fix. It got to the point where the process of taking on the challenge to learn pickup turned into a pretty bad cycle. I’d play the game, usually get a date or two, and then eventually give up and revert to my earlier self – rinse and repeat.
The worst part is that life eventually catches up to everyone. It’s been years since the last time I played the game. The truth is that I’m out of practice, and I’m nowhere near that modest skill level that I once had. Let’s just say that after one particularly bad social experience, I woke up the next morning realizing that I wasn’t 18 anymore, that I had wasted a lot of time leaving this part of my life up to chance, and that my best shot at getting good at the game came in the form of jumping into pickup one last time. The only question was “What could I do differently so that I could actually stick the landing this time”?
From the moment I met Bravo in person, I got the type of feedback that I needed. Previously, I would open and push sets forward mostly through willpower alone, unaware that I was making subconscious mistakes that were already in the process of sinking me. Bravo studied me, pointed out the issues I needed to fix, and gave me concrete recommendations of how to fix them. He was tough, calm, and fair – all while being a great mentor and an even better person. It was a humbling and eye-opening experience. After all, you can’t fix the issues that you can’t see, and I definitely didn’t see them. The truth is that I really did need someone with the experience to mentor and provide me with the feedback that I needed to succeed.
My story is still very much in progress. I’ve spent the last week since my one on one with Bravo, combing through my notes and taking the actions that I need to take to implement his feedback to the best of my ability. I can already tell that these upcoming months will be both challenging and rewarding, given that these are actions that I have never done before. All I want is to stick the landing; it’s my hope that this will be the last time that I’ll need to go through this personal journey. Bravo, thanks for all of your help. Thanks for believing in me and giving me the confidence that I could actually make this happen. As far as I’m concerned, you’re a mentor and a friend. I’ll be in touch.
Bravo is a dating expert who came highly recommended. After doing 1 coaching call with him, I could tell right away that he’s a cool guy who knows his stuff and wants to help.
I was working with another coach whose program was more expensive and didn’t provide much feedback at all or would show me random stuff that had nothing to do with my situation. Whereas with Bravo’s program, we are able to go over whatever I want such as online game, inner game, logistics, etc. He also tells funny stories to put things in perspective which makes the calls more fun and enjoyable.
We also have a private message board and weekly chat that we can use to interact and share stories with like minded people who are also in the program so you get the help of a mastermind as well.
I would definitely recommend this guy’s program for sure.
Bravo cares about the people he coaches, and helps them level up in ALL areas of their lives. I know my life is MUCH better because of listening to his advice, and he has never steered me wrong. People now can’t believe it when I tell them I used to be an introvert and too shy to talk to women, but Bravo helped change all of that with his amazing coaching. If you want to improve any area of your life you need someone to help coach you, and when it comes to relationships, becoming more social, and anything about being a better man, you can’t go wrong with coaching from Bravo!
I did my first one on one with Bravo right at the start of the pandemic. When most people were stuck at home my inbox was filled with women who wanted to meet me because of what I learned from him.
This coming winter when my life quiets down a little bit more I will be doing a second one and one, and I cannot wait to work with you again, brother!
Bravo – I sending this to you in the hopes that other guys who are struggling to find answers about online dating read this. Feel free to share it. It’s honest, nothing more, nothing less.
Let me preface this by noting I am a clinical and forensic psychologist (yes, doctorate level). I study people. I can’t even estimate the number of couples I have counseled. Almost six weeks ago, my relationship finally ended (a dentist can still get a cavity). I have heard horror stories about online dating from both male and female patients. In the same boat, I was confused, anxious, and even considered returning to that terrible ex. Online dating isn’t natural, and it’s fucking weird. I sought some clarity on the internet and repeatedly saw folks referencing someone named Bravo. I finally found a video of him explaining online dating. It blew my mind! I sought him out, and it’s paid off in dividends already. I would have never figured this out on my own despite seven years of grad school and a ton of professional experience. My online game is like fishing with dynamite. He has made it so easy!
As a psychologist, I am amazed at what you have put together, Bravo. It all makes so much sense now, and the results speak for themselves. You are my new favorite person! I’m so impressed. You have had a major impact on my life in a few short weeks. Thank you! And I hope you know that. You really have!
If you are struggling with online dating, check out Bravo’s online coaching program (after you do, say hi – I am a real person). He has put in years of work figuring this out, so we don’t have to. What you will learn from him is priceless, and the collective mind of the other group members accelerates this process. All the things you won’t even say to your closest friends about your insecurities will at some point come up in the online coaching program. Bravo is the guy I go to for help with online dating.
Online dating is confusing! Why struggle?
When it comes to dating coaches, there is no question Bravo is the man to see! After
just two days of 1 on 1 coaching, there is definite improvement in my game. I came to cover
basic sticking points such as approach anxiety, developing self-confidence, escalating
conversations, and number closing. These points were not only covered, but so much more
information was addressed.
Starting each day, Bravo drops so much information and touches
on a ton of subjects, but it’s never too much for the student to handle. Then the second half of the day we went infield to the mall. The first day went well but not exceptional. After each set
Bravo breaks things down and you go right back into the next one more prepared. The second day was much more difficult to get rolling into sets, but when he saw me getting overwhelmed he reassessed the days assignment and made adjustments. To me this showed how good of a coach he really is, because he adjusted the objective to make my approaches and conversations much more effective and positive instead of continuing what wasn’t working for me.
After it was all said and done we went to dinner to debrief the weekend. While we were eating our waitress came over and handed me her number on a piece of paper. All this happened without me even asking for it. I followed Bravo and his work for a few years before pulling the trigger on a 1 on 1 session with him and I wish I had done it a long time ago. Without a doubt he is an unbelievable coach and this shows by being able to cover a ton of valuable information quickly, motivate the student to complete their daily objectives infield and out, and giving constructive criticism on sets.
Lastly, when he is coaching he is completely locked in. Each day we went well beyond our scheduled time together, and he continued to give valuable Information. The entire time, you have his undivided attention and he gives you more than you pay for.
The past two days were incredible and I can’t wait till the next time I’m able to go back! Not
only were my sticking points covered but my expectations were exceeded. If you’re looking to
level up any part of your life, there’s no one else I recommend to see more than Bravo!
Thanks for an awesome weekend!
Review: Bravo Coaching Call (From a Skeptic)
I got into this, and did most of it on my own for a while, and eventually met up with some of the great guys around here – who gave me priceless advice and became more like brothers than fellow PUAs. I’d first like to thank them, because had they not been so awesome, I’d have been inclined to continue on my own. DJNinja, Rogue4Life, Boomer, NSM, Smoothcall, Ice, Tech, (those one liner posts), and so many others that I can’t even begin to name you all. Much Apreesh, Brothers.
Now, on to the calls. Like I said, I was a skeptic. I thought it would be literally impossible to learn anything about bettering my life in an hour on the phone with some guy who knew nothing about me, and had never met me. I mean honestly, what the hell was he really going to SAY that would make any kind of lasting impact, in an hour? 200$ Is more money than I have to throw at some gimmick, which is what I truly believe it was, So I resolved that If I was ever going to spend money on this, it’d be at PX, or one on one.
Enter Rogue4Life, and DJNinja. These guys had done the calls, and had nothing but praise for them. That wasn’t enough to impress me into buying anything though, not that I don’t trust these guys (I do, and they are some of the finest men I know), but I know me, and I just didn’t feel like it was the right fit.
Rogue kept telling me every time we went out, any time Bravo came up (Which is pretty often with a group of guys from here) that the calls would make a huge difference, not just with game, but with my view of the world, and success, and that those things would bleed through into my lifestyle.
Rogue told me if I did do it, that I absolutely have to do a package or I would regret it.
So off I went to chat up bravo, see what it was about. I didn’t know this, but the guy has a 100% refund policy, all you have to do is ask for your money back after the call, and it’s yours. After hearing that I still wasn’t sold even – like I said, total, 100% skeptic. After seeing videos I had downloading of bootcamps from other PUAs, and a few recordings of their coaching calls, etc, I was very convinced that this was a waste of time. Only after talking to DJ about it, did I jump in..
So I bought the 4 pack. First call comes around, and I wasn’t very good at telling bravo where I was with game, etc. He immediately picked up on the filler words I always use and never knew, told me to cut them out, and a couple of other really great tips. He gave me my homework/mission for the week, which I kinda felt was a step backwards – but I embraced it, and trusted after the end of the call that he completely knew what he was doing.
By the third call, this guy has identified so many problems that I couldn’t see and wasn’t aware of. It’s astonishing to me how good he is at reading people, and how observant he is. Dude has the perfect metaphors for the situations, to get the point across to you.
At the end of my last call, I remember him talking about his life before pick up, relaying to me a story about how he would grab the last chicken breast in the grocery store, and if someone else said something or was reaching for the same last item, he would let them have it, because he’s such a nice guy. He then relayed how he’s changed and why it’s better not to be such a “nice” guy.
At this point, I was pretty shocked. In the last two stories he had completely described the person I used to be, almost to the letter. I had to ask.
“Bravo, are you for real right now? Did those things really all happen to you, or are you just that god damn good at reading people, that you knew how I was, and how to relate the point to me, using my own traits/building rapport with me”
I had to know. Of course I expected any social interaction with Bravo, or any other PUA to be calculated, and for there to be a reason behind it. I was just blown away with the accuracy.
He told me, and I believe him, that this really is who he use to be – and – that he really is that damn good. He told me he was able to figure out who I was, and what would help ME understand the point he was making. He could have picked any of an entire lifetime’s worth of experiences, to relate the story to me – but he picked the perfect example. An example of something I’ve actually done. He did it intentionally. This guy is extremely good at teaching – not just pick up – we all know he’s great when it comes to pua – but after a 6 figure education from a top university, and being a “professional” student most of my life, I can say with complete confidence that I’ve never met a teacher who can convey the message and material in a more efficient and effective method, I’ve only spent 3 hours on the phone with him – and I can tell you right now that my ability to win over sets, groups, and push interactions farther and get VALUE out of every interaction has easily doubled – but I prefer to use the word skyrocketed.
I’d recommend this to anyone serious about self improvement – lifestyle improvement, and obviously game improvement. Buy the package if you aren’t sure – you’ll kick yourself for not taking the deal when you could have it – you can always get a refund after your first call if you feel it wasn’t worth it – but believe me, there is a reason that no one ever has – or will.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, 40 minutes after our last coaching call, I was naked in bed with a chick.
So yeah, they’re worth it.
Hey, brotha.. Thanks for talking to me the other day… Honored to have you as a friend…When you first started coaching me, could not even make eye contact with another person… Now married to the woman of my dreams.. Cannot thank you enough.. Thanks for always believing in me, even when I didnt believe in myself… More people should know how awesome your coaching is… Also, so awesome that you actually care, and not one of these guys just trying to get internet famous… Thanks again, honored to call you a friend, would recommend you to anybody seeking any kind of life coaching
Wanted to give you guys an update from our Online Game coaching call yesterday – Every single call there’s always something to learn and take away from and this week was no exception. The main discussion was Bravo’s new, short bio. I’ve played around with my bio and tested a few to some great success, but the last month it’s been a bit slow for me, in terms of likes and matches. Decided to try out the new short bio (which short bios really haven’t worked well for me in the past) and my god within the 1st hour I got over 20 matches and already scheduled a date for tomorrow. Since implementing yesterday, as of 4pm today, I’ve gotten over 100 “likes” between both Tinder and Bumble and over 40 matches to go through. If you haven’t signed up yet, I STRONGLY recommend.