Online Dating

Are you ready to delete your online dating profile because you are sick of swiping right on a sea of beautiful women hoping you’ll make a match? And even when you do match, they ghost you?

Starting every conversation with the same questions just to go on read and never hear back?

You are competing for the attention of women who open their app to hundreds of messages and likes every day, and if your profile isn’t dialed in you don’t stand a chance.

If you want to learn from the Online Dating Expert that other dating coaches come to for help, and finally get real matches, dates, and a girlfriend, let’s get started!

I put together a special program walking you thru step by step EXACTLY what I do to make this happen, this is from one of the guys who tried it- 

Master online dating with me helping you every step of the way!

Access to the Online Game Program through your phone or computer, as often as you want!

Your Online Game program includes the following:

  • A 60 minute coaching call with me ($200 value)
  • I’ll personally optimize your dating profile with you to get those likes and conversations rolling
  • Once your profile is optimized, you may need help responding to women, you’ll have access to great resources to keep the messages going
  • Access to the weekly group coaching call where you can ask me questions to keep improving your game
  • Access to critical training videos and call recordings
  • I’ll tell you what the best ones are! Stop wasting your time on bad dating apps. (Hint: paid dating apps are not it)
  • Getting the right first message to a woman can make or break your chance with them. Never make another mistake.
  • How to transition off the app and onto a date


All for just $49.99 a month!!


Here is what a recent student shared after signing up-

Bravo – I sending this to you in the hopes that other guys who are struggling to find answers about online dating read this. Feel free to share it. It’s honest, nothing more, nothing less.

Let me preface this by noting I am a clinical and forensic psychologist (yes, doctorate level). I study people. I can’t even estimate the number of couples I have counseled. Almost six weeks ago, my relationship finally ended (a dentist can still get a cavity). I have heard horror stories about online dating from both male and female patients. In the same boat, I was confused, anxious, and even considered returning to that terrible ex. Online dating isn’t natural, and it’s fucking weird. I sought some clarity on the internet and repeatedly saw folks referencing someone named Bravo. I finally found a video of him explaining online dating. It blew my mind! I sought him out, and it’s paid off in dividends already. I would have never figured this out on my own despite seven years of grad school and a ton of professional experience. My online game is like fishing with dynamite. He has made it so easy!

As a psychologist, I am amazed at what you have put together, Bravo. It all makes so much sense now, and the results speak for themselves. You are my new favorite person! I’m so impressed. You have had a major impact on my life in a few short weeks. Thank you! And I hope you know that. You really have!

If you are struggling with online dating, check out Bravo’s online coaching program (after you do, say hi – I am a real person). He has put in years of work figuring this out, so we don’t have to. What you will learn from him is priceless, and the collective mind of the other group members accelerates this process. All the things you won’t even say to your closest friends about your insecurities will at some point come up in the online coaching program. Bravo is the guy I go to for help with online dating. Online dating is confusing! Why struggle?


Bravo’s online game is some SOLID!!!!
The program is set out in a clear and concise way so that anyone can understand. Bravo gives you the tools you need to get a solid profile up and going and then teaches you everything you need to know about messaging and flirting with hot girls.
Like everything Bravo teaches he gets straight down to the fundamentals of how internet dating works and what you have to do to stand out from the rest. Once you understand how it all works you can use the tools and valuable lesson you learn here to branch your game out


Bravo’s Online Game is incredibly effective. I was getting very little traffic with my Plenty of Fish account. After using Bravo’s program I had immediate results. With some changes to my about me section, my pictures, and some openers, I am getting so much traffic that it’s almost too much to keep up with.
The great part about it is that I can do it in my free time. I can go on for a little while at night and set up dates for that week. As someone with a busy schedule, this is so convenient. It’s also great if you live farther out of town or are new to an area. You will be meeting people immediately.
With Bravo’s program, there is no anxiety. You can do a search for exactly what you are looking for, use one of Bravo’s powerful openers, send them out to several girls you are interested in, and bam, the next day there are messages in your inbox!
Not only that, but with Bravo’s amazing headlines and profile critiques, women will be contacting you. It’s so easy, you can set back and watch as the women check your page out, then you choose who you want. The only problem is that it’s so easy, one might be tempted to stop going out and doing cold approaches.




All for just $49.99 a month!!

After you sign up, I will email you back with the info you need to access the program
If you have any questions, email me and I will get back to you ASAP!


185 thoughts on “Online Dating

  1. Text from me to my fiance:
    I can now draw my knife and kill someone in less than one second.
    As others have said already, this training was amazing. The amount of knowledge gained in this bootcamp was phenominal. If you weren’t there, you really missed out. A couple of people had to back out at the last minute and I feel really sorry for them because they have no idea what they missed.
    First we learned what happens leading up to every type of attack, be it a home invasion, robbery, mugging, you name it. Understanding how to recognize threats and prevent yourself and your loved ones from ever reaching a point where you need to use your skills was of immeasurable value. Since returning home, my house and each room has more levels of protection.
    But it’s still pretty cool to be able to send that text. Obviously I don’t want to ever have to kill anyone. But being able to disarm almost any weapon, being fimiliarized with several types of firearms, being able to recognize and nuetralize threats, knowing that I can keep myself and my loved ones safe with the skills I learned; that’s pretty awesome. Of course I will do everything I can in the 90% that leads up to an attack to prevent it. But if it reaches that last 10%, it’s an incredibly empowering feeling to know that I can stop someone with something as simple as a t-shirt, a flashlight, stick, chair, etc.
    I’ve been doing martial arts for over thirty years. In that time I’ve seen a lot of really good stuff and a lot of garbage. One of the many things I loved about this course is that everything taught was something that not only works, but has been tested by real people in life threatening conditions. The tactics are realistic and applicable. As a result, I feel much more able to protect myself and my loved ones. Even more importantly, I feel more able to prevent these things from happening by being prepared, having a plan, and eliminating vulnerable areas. And it doesn’t hurt to hear a girl say how sexy it is to see you spin a karambit.
    Steve T. and Stephen Grosch, aka Bravo are amazing teachers. Stephen Grosch is as good at teaching tactical stuff as he is at teaching pickup. After 30 years of studying martial arts, he showed me a lot that I hadn’t known. I don’t know if he will offer this course again, but if he does, you’d be crazy not to take it. If there is a level two, I will find a way to be there.

  2. Text from me to my fiance:
    I can now draw my knife and kill someone in less than one second.
    As others have said already, this training was amazing. The amount of knowledge gained in this bootcamp was phenominal. If you weren’t there, you really missed out. A couple of people had to back out at the last minute and I feel really sorry for them because they have no idea what they missed.
    First we learned what happens leading up to every type of attack, be it a home invasion, robbery, mugging, you name it. Understanding how to recognize threats and prevent yourself and your loved ones from ever reaching a point where you need to use your skills was of immeasurable value. Since returning home, my house and each room has more levels of protection.
    But it’s still pretty cool to be able to send that text. Obviously I don’t want to ever have to kill anyone. But being able to disarm almost any weapon, being fimiliarized with several types of firearms, being able to recognize and nuetralize threats, knowing that I can keep myself and my loved ones safe with the skills I learned; that’s pretty awesome. Of course I will do everything I can in the 90% that leads up to an attack to prevent it. But if it reaches that last 10%, it’s an incredibly empowering feeling to know that I can stop someone with something as simple as a t-shirt, a flashlight, stick, chair, etc.
    I’ve been doing martial arts for over thirty years. In that time I’ve seen a lot of really good stuff and a lot of garbage. One of the many things I loved about this course is that everything taught was something that not only works, but has been tested by real people in life threatening conditions. The tactics are realistic and applicable. As a result, I feel much more able to protect myself and my loved ones. Even more importantly, I feel more able to prevent these things from happening by being prepared, having a plan, and eliminating vulnerable areas. And it doesn’t hurt to hear a girl say how sexy it is to see you spin a karambit.
    Steve T. and Stephen Grosch, aka Bravo are amazing teachers. Stephen Grosch is as good at teaching tactical stuff as he is at teaching pickup. After 30 years of studying martial arts, he showed me a lot that I hadn’t known. I don’t know if he will offer this course again, but if he does, you’d be crazy not to take it. If there is a level two, I will find a way to be there.

  3. As a dating coach I got good at the game, but felt something was missing from being a well-rounded man. I was told I was too nice in the past, and having some verbal ninja skills with the game helped, but I just did not have the energy of someone who could back up the “Protector of loved ones” vibe. In fact, one of my original mentors said i had to portray more badass if I wanted more success. I got by pretty well without too much badass.
    Many years ago I had some defense training by taking Dang Soo Do from a national Karate champion who was a colleague of Billy Blanks (who started the whole Tae Bo craze). Needless to say I learned some good self-defense techniques, but a lot of it just didn’t seem practical in real-life situations.
    Fast forward to me meeting Stephen Grosch/Bravo at the PUA conventions that we both presented at. His talks on defense, firearms and tactics intrigued me and made sense. I got my concealed carry permit following his advice and started paying attention to his teachings and reading “Emergency” from Neil Strauss. My training in protecting myself, my women, and my kids was beginning from a better foundation.
    Fast forward to a dinner I had with him last year and Stephen showing me what he was able to do with an LED flashlight to subdue an attacker. Just that brief lesson alone increased my abilities and awareness about ways to stay safe that I wanted even more. I was lucky to get his call that he was putting together a training in VIP Executive protection with a VIP instructor… one of the top instructors in the world… for some small group training with info never before taught to civilians. Fully trusting Stephen’s opinion on all things tactical I was an automatic yes and made plans immediately to travel to Phoenix with the few precious days off I have.
    I got there the day before and had a few drinks with the other participants. It’s apparent Stephen picked the participants meticulously because not one guy was “That guy” that asks questions just to look smart, or “That guy” that thinks they are an mma fighting expert and knows more than the instructors and wants to test them, nor was there “That guy” too timid to participate. Right off the bat the group was ready to get to business and be open books for the training at hand and I have to thank Stephen for doing a great job choosing the group.
    Day one’s talk was alone worth the price of admission. But right off the bat we went into hands-on training. The rest of the days we had lots of hands-on edged weapons, improvised weapons, and training I cannot discuss further than just being glad I was given the very opportunity to learn things only a select few get to learn.
    Stephen’s and the VIP instructor’s experience showed. No nonsense. To the point. Directly from guys who have faced death in the eye and helped many others avoid it with their proven, yet simple techniques. The whole training was full of practical, simplified advice from guys who have seen what works, and unfortunately seen what doesn’t first hand. That experience alone made our training that much more practical and yet so advanced that we rapidly learned it as well.
    I judge teachers by how well they simplify the processes they teach. The worst teachers complicate things, the best simplify. Stephen and his instructors taught the foundations and principles of protection from a mental as well as physical standpoint so well and simply that I was almost flabbergasted how simple the systems were compared to the martial arts systems i was exposed to in the past that complicated the same principles. More importantly we were also advised on what other training we could do to further enhance and refine the training we were getting.
    After 3 days, our forearms were bruised. Some of us were scraped by the edge weapons trainers we used. (Stephen is a freakin’ training equipment expert too and got us the best of the best to use during our training). But on day 4, our awareness was put to the ultimate test protecting VIP’s in a real live public location and scenario. It was quite the eye opening, yet once again practical and most importantly, helpful experience in knowing we could protect vips, our loved ones, and ourselves with our new knowledge.
    Stephen Grosch is obviously a well-respected member of the firearms and self protection world based on what he was able to arrange for us during the training. Top notch experts were available to us including Phil Roux who taught us the latest in firearms technique and knowledge. It’s no wonder how he became a top notch dating and relationship coach as well if he could garner this respect from a crowd where respect is tough to come by. I can’t thank him enough for the invite and VIP training experience. Cross your fingers he will do this again some time in the future. I will certainly be there. But if he doesn’t get training directly from Stephen as part of your journey to manhood.
    If you can arrange training with Stephen on tactical, defense, firearms, or edge weapons, it comes with my highest recommendation, you will not regret it, and I stake my reputation on it.

  4. This was an unreal experience that was everything it was projected to be and beyond. We learned self-defense and weapons techniques that normally no one outside a few elite sectors in the government are trained in, direct from a VIP instructor, who has seen it all and done it all in every part of the world. I was a bit nervous going into it, because I don’t have the kind of martial arts/ weapons training that other guys had, but i’m glad I pushed myself and came, because what I came away with was badass. And it was worth the time and investment, not only to meet all the guys and be part of it, but to help Stephen Grosch achieve a long-standing dream of putting on a kickass tactical class that was pretty amazing. Plus, he supplied us with all the gear, like a tactical swag bag! That just doesn’t happen. So now I have karambits and tac knives and carabiners on my coffee table at the ready. And to top it off, we ended the training by getting to do a real world live training exercise, playing Secret Service to a pair of lovely ladies. Not to mention some other training during the week that was like bonus rounds. So, I have to say it was one of those epic burned-into-your-memory intense surreal awesome experiences of a lifetime. Thanks to Stephen Grosch, and to everyone involved and all the guys who made it worthwhile. It was a privilege to learn and train alongside you guys. And great to know that I can learn more of this from Stephen directly whenever i’m ready…

  5. This was an unreal experience that was everything it was projected to be and beyond. We learned self-defense and weapons techniques that normally no one outside a few elite sectors in the government are trained in, direct from a VIP instructor, who has seen it all and done it all in every part of the world. I was a bit nervous going into it, because I don’t have the kind of martial arts/ weapons training that other guys had, but i’m glad I pushed myself and came, because what I came away with was badass. And it was worth the time and investment, not only to meet all the guys and be part of it, but to help Stephen Grosch achieve a long-standing dream of putting on a kickass tactical class that was pretty amazing. Plus, he supplied us with all the gear, like a tactical swag bag! That just doesn’t happen. So now I have karambits and tac knives and carabiners on my coffee table at the ready. And to top it off, we ended the training by getting to do a real world live training exercise, playing Secret Service to a pair of lovely ladies. Not to mention some other training during the week that was like bonus rounds. So, I have to say it was one of those epic burned-into-your-memory intense surreal awesome experiences of a lifetime. Thanks to Stephen Grosch, and to everyone involved and all the guys who made it worthwhile. It was a privilege to learn and train alongside you guys. And great to know that I can learn more of this from Stephen directly whenever i’m ready…

  6. Stephen Grosch’s Executive Protection Seminar brings together amazing instructors who teach real world no nonsense techniques and makes them easy to learn and adaptable for students of all backgrounds. Just 3 days of training and they had the entire class up to speed on attacking with and defending against several different types of weapons. It didn’t matter the experience of the participants, they were able to adapt the techniques to our abilities.
    I’ve done martial arts for several years and have attended all manner of training seminars. The Executive Protection Seminar is the best investment I’ve made in personal protection training. Getting a chance to see the techniques in action and hear the real life scenarios they are based on was instrumental to understanding the moves and making them my own.
    Self defense is a personal responsibility and if attacked, there is no guarantee that someone will come to your rescue. If you haven’t already begun the process to prepare yourself for a situation where you may be alone in the responsibility to protect yourself or your loved ones, this class is a huge step forward in the right direction.

  7. Stephen Grosch’s Executive Protection Seminar brings together amazing instructors who teach real world no nonsense techniques and makes them easy to learn and adaptable for students of all backgrounds. Just 3 days of training and they had the entire class up to speed on attacking with and defending against several different types of weapons. It didn’t matter the experience of the participants, they were able to adapt the techniques to our abilities.
    I’ve done martial arts for several years and have attended all manner of training seminars. The Executive Protection Seminar is the best investment I’ve made in personal protection training. Getting a chance to see the techniques in action and hear the real life scenarios they are based on was instrumental to understanding the moves and making them my own.
    Self defense is a personal responsibility and if attacked, there is no guarantee that someone will come to your rescue. If you haven’t already begun the process to prepare yourself for a situation where you may be alone in the responsibility to protect yourself or your loved ones, this class is a huge step forward in the right direction.

  8. Most of you don’t know me, even though I’ve been a friend of Stephen Grosch for over seven years, though after this past week at the Executive/VIP Protection Training course that Stephen Grosch offered with Steve T I felt compelled to share my experience. For those who have not attended anything hosted by Stephen Grosch, let me emphasize that he always goes above and beyond what is expected. This past week of tactical training, that standard that Stephen Grosch has always maintained was achieved. Steve T, the lead instructor, had a way of teaching that really emphasized the lessons learned that I have not seen in my entire time in academia (we’re talking over 8 years of college). Stephen Grosch, for those not aware, was an instructor with Steve T in the past and during this particular training was an immense help in polishing our drills to perfection. Grosch definitely knows how to teach this material and I bet would teach you directly if you asked. He also did a fantastic job of screening individuals so that the class went smoothly. All the items that were provided for the course, from knives to trainers were outstanding.
    Before the class I would say I had minimal knowledge of how to protect myself if I was caught in a bad situation. One of the most important lessons was how to be situationally aware to prevent bad situations from happening in the first place. Then there was the massive amount of training on how to use a variety of weapons: deploying a folding knife from my pocket to be ready for a fight in 0.94 seconds, how to effectively fight with a karambit, using flexible weapons from sticks to fabric, and how to disarm people with a variety of weapons (from pistols to rifles and knives, to name a few). I now feel confident that if I keep practicing the drills, I will be ready to protect myself and my loved ones from threats that come. It is absolutely must-know knowledge.I have no idea if this course will ever be offered again, though if it does I would jump at the opportunity instantly. The lessons learned I know have me prepared more than your average citizen if a threat is ever encountered in this crazy world. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about my experience.

  9. I have good news for anyone reading this… the economy must be on the upside. Our rights to protection must not be at risk and people must be filled with overactive responsibilities. I am basing this off the fact that out of about ten firearm and tactile trainers that I have tried to contact, none have returned my emails or phone calls. They must be too busy or think that their job is not important. Nothing else could make sense why I have been continuously ignored by tactile trainers for private lessons. But alas! There is always an exception to the rule. In this matter it was Stephen Grosch, Steve T and their VIP Executive Protection course.
    “…All my buddies at the CIA thought I’d officially lost my marbles when I elected to follow my passion to protect others. They asked, “You’re going to give up a guaranteed paycheck every two weeks and a federal pension to pursue some crazy idea about hardening untrained civilians?”
    My response was “Hell yeah! Sure, not everybody cares or even thinks about their personal security, but what about those who do? Where can they go? What can they do to make themselves less vulnerable and less exposed to the very real threats that we know are out there?”
    -Steve T’s ‘Pre-Fense: The 90% Advantage’
    The training course had multiple uses for me. The first use being that I refuse to be a victim. If I am not going to be a victim I have to have a solid base of knowledge in relation to combative situations. I hope that I never have to use the lessons I learned in the Executive Protection training course but if I am put in that situation, I am fully confident that I will be able to proceed and calibrate the situation.
    The second use of this class for me was a possible venture into a new industry, the music touring security industry. While security firms are different from executive protection, the training is important for both. After class each day I was absolutely dead tired, barely able to keep my eyes open sitting around a fire at the house a couple guys and I rented. It was well worth it though.
    Thank you Stephen Grosch, Steve T, Phil and the other guys who attended the course. I learned more than I could ever put a dollar price on.

  10. Hey Dude,
    like your stuff. Played a bit around with your site, done the poll. Was a little bit amused about the 10 dudes, that voted 1000+. Looks to my a little bit like Ron Jeremies is having fun surfing around. I’m into the 76-100 area, what is pretty usual if you are a end-30 musician and photographer, leaving out the crap.
    Go on with your stuff! Nice job
    Greetings from Germany

  11. Hey Dude,
    like your stuff. Played a bit around with your site, done the poll. Was a little bit amused about the 10 dudes, that voted 1000+. Looks to my a little bit like Ron Jeremies is having fun surfing around. I’m into the 76-100 area, what is pretty usual if you are a end-30 musician and photographer, leaving out the crap.
    Go on with your stuff! Nice job
    Greetings from Germany

  12. Genesis :

    Hey Bravo it’s been a while since we spoke. How’s everything? I recently signed up as Genesis on your sight and I purchased online game 2.0 but it won’t let me look at it. I did everything correct I don’t know what I did wrong. Could you steer me on the right direction please?

    from above-
    “WHEN you purchase this program, please include your forum user name in the paypal email (Don’t have a forum user name yet? Then go to my forum now and take 30 seconds to register RIGHT NOW for FREE)
    After payment is received, I will go in and activate your forum user name so you are able to access the PRIVATE section of my forum ASAP, and you can begin to master ONLINE GAME the same way I did!”
    I get to everyone ASAP, but sometimes I do have to sleep (yes even Bravo needs sleep)
    Setting you up now man!

  13. @Bravo
    Hey Bravo it’s been a while since we spoke. How’s everything? I recently signed up as Genesis on your sight and I purchased online game 2.0 but it won’t let me look at it. I did everything correct I don’t know what I did wrong. Could you steer me on the right direction please?

  14. @Bravo
    Hey Bravo it’s been a while since we spoke. How’s everything? I recently signed up as Genesis on your sight and I purchased online game 2.0 but it won’t let me look at it. I did everything correct I don’t know what I did wrong. Could you steer me on the right direction please?

  15. This instantly changed my reply rate on POF. I went from getting a one reply for every 30 messages I sent to getting like 5 replies for every 8 messages I sent. Plus these are super hot chicks I am talking to. Bravo helps out with every step, going way beyond what he promises for the money. The sub-forum itself is worth the money. This is an investment people not an expense. This will improve your quality of life.
    BUY IT!

  16. This instantly changed my reply rate on POF. I went from getting a one reply for every 30 messages I sent to getting like 5 replies for every 8 messages I sent. Plus these are super hot chicks I am talking to. Bravo helps out with every step, going way beyond what he promises for the money. The sub-forum itself is worth the money. This is an investment people not an expense. This will improve your quality of life.
    BUY IT!

  17. It was great meeting you in person for our 1-on-1 coaching and these 4 days were definitely one of the highlights of my life so far.
    It was always difficult to socialize for me and on top of that being an Indian immigrant with real thick accent made it worse.
    It’s amazing that even when you think you mastered the in-room session; going out in the field makes you realize it’s not easy.
    Opened about 40+ sets, I seriously believe it was one of the best investments I made!

  18. Hey Steve – would love to get some coaching in phoenix AZ. I am divorced and also now out of a three year relationship. Looking to get out there and learn a lot more about meeting women. Motivated, and ready to develop some skills !

  19. Seriously Steve
    I’ve been following/reading about different pua’s and their tips but what you gave /for free!/ had the biggest impact!
    Man legendary isn’t enough to describe what you’re doing!

  20. You’re a fucking hero, watched your YT video about pof tips, man that
    shit works, although I had to change few things as some of yours were
    too cocky for Irish women 😉
    much love

  21. Found your online dating video by accident. I enjoyed watching & hearing you speak. Anyway, after following some tips & tweaked by online dating profile, things changed! No going into details, but I just know it works! That’s good enough for me. I am not talking the online dating thing too seriously. However, I still continue to have fun with it.
    Thanks your help! I continue to check out your site. Definitely your on my new list of PUAs.

  22. Bravo is an awesome pickup artist, coach, and human being in general. I recommend him to anyone, male or female, who wish to educate and empower themselves in order to achieve satisfaction and happiness in their love lives.

  23. :

    Paid for online game 2.0 …but didn’t put my username on email…how do I fix this

    I emailed you back-within 3 minutes of you purchasing this with all the info and everything you needed to do
    please check your inbox, and then send me your user name

  24. I am a member of the forum and I can not thank you enough. I joined style life a while back when you were head coach and would often ask myself, “What would Bravo do?”” Well since then I have read about your exploits and followed your advice. I went from being 24 years old in a finance job I hated, a serious case of oneitis, having slept with three women, all the way to being 28 years old, going to a top medical school, slept with 106 women (including two of the models from “Deal or No Deal”), in a relationship with a hot, rich, blond who just took me to Asia for 4 months. My life is better in every way possible and I could not have done it without you. You gave me the skills and pushed me to go out of my comfort zone and get the things I really want in life. You are the man! Thank You!

  25. I joined the forum early in 2011 after leaving a paid subscription with a well known PUA site. I’d almost lost faith in the community and had started to believe that everybody out there was looking to make money by selling people their dreams…
    Then I found this place…
    As a PX2 Alumni and a coaching call student of Bravo’s, I can honestly say that not only does he know his shit inside out, he’s also a stand up guy who actually wants to see his students succeed!
    I’m a different guy to the person that joined the Bravohood and I owe a great deal of my transformation to Bravo’s coaching and his excellent forum.
    I wish you every success in the future brother, you deserve it!
    Much love!
    Moiser! X

  26. Ironically enough I found Bravo through another PU company/community. When I first talked to Bravo on a coaching call, my PU skills were a total mess and my life in general. I was all over the place! Bravo set me straight and started having me work on things that I didn’t think were a problem butt actually were huge problems.
    A lot of inner game issues were worked on which touches all aspects of a man’s life. After 5 coaching calls I was approaching and getting phone #’s more than ever! But that was just the beginning….
    Not much longer I was at Bravo’s boot camp (Project X3) with a total of 6 students and 4 coaches (You Will Not see that ratio anywhere else). Bravo holds nothing back. He is straight forward in his assessment of you and your skills and what you need to work on. Bravo gets straight to the point And doesn’t waste time because time is money and Bravo makes sure that you get more than your money’s worth.
    After 5 coaching calls and PX3 it wasn’t much longer that my 3 year dry spell was over and I was living out some of my deepest sexual fantasies.
    My first call with Bravo was in Jan. 2012 and in a 5 short months my life was truly never better. I’m the happiest I have ever been, my grades in school have never been better, my friendships are stronger, my family relationships are stronger, my social life has never been better, I’m busier than I have ever been, and I’m right on track to achieving my life and career goals.
    Bravo can show you the way but ultimately it will be up to you to decide to take what he says to heart and put in the work. Without the hardwork than nothing is going to happen.
    If you truly embrace what Bravo coaches and immerse yourself in the process of working with Bravo than you will achieve all of your goals and desires in PU and in life!

  27. I really don’t know where to begin with this because Bravo has helped me so much.
    Before I started coaching with Bravo I had been in the pick up scene for a few years but had little to no success. I hadn’t been on a date in over year and had only slept with one girl.
    During my first coaching session with Bravo I number closed a girl that resulted in my first date in over a year and a half. Follow up coaching sessions resulted in more number closes, dates and hook ups.
    As a result I started to feel more confident and comfortable in who I am. Most importantly I started to actually feel successful in my dating life, the one area of my life I had always felt I could never be happy with.
    Without Bravo none of this would have been possible.
    Thank you Bravo for everything you have helped me with, not only in dating but in life.

  28. As a busy professional and masters student, I found it was hard for me to make time for pick up… until I realized that was a limiting belief and Bravo suggested how I can make this work.
    I was recently on a 3 month dry spell and went on a coaching call with Bravo. He had a good sense of where I was at, and what I needed to work on. Bravo over-delivered, super-ceded my expectations, and I left that call with A LOT more respect for him and what he was about.
    A lot of guys going into this ask about pickup – and Bravo is excellent at that. What most people don’t realize, is Bravo is teaching us a lot more than just pickup: ie. being a man, embracing strong values and attributes, being someone that people look up to when handling situations in our life, etc.
    And so re: pickup, Bravo suggested some tweaks in my game to make it more solid. Two days later, my three month dry spell was over and I had a another D2 set up with a petite girl who was a former runway model and been in movies with high profile celebs.
    Reason I’m sharing this is because my mindset, and how I am as a person, has changed dramatically because of all the effort Bravo puts in. You guys out there need to know how transformational this can be for you: IF you really want it to.
    Choice is yours.

  29. Before, I got into the pick-up community, I had the occasionally hook-up, but it was by luck…. Then, I would get really needy, and loose them…..
    So, I started in the pick-up community under stylelife, no offense to anybody that likes that site, they were no help to me….I would buy a marketing tool they were selling, then they would want me to buy something else…. I wanted a quick fix, I didnt wanted to have to work at this…
    So, I found this site, started taking coaching calls and Bravo told me I was going to have to work at this, damn….I remember the first time, I talk to him, he had me write down my goals… I was thinking was does this have to do with P/U… I learned this is about creating a life, not about picking up women…. Life has definetly changed… I now get numbers with ease, have had crazy make-outs, and had sex with hot girls… Not just girls because I thought that was all I could get, but hot girls, that i never dreamed I could get….
    Alot of other things have changed… I’m doing cool stuff…. Going ziplining this month, my salary has doubled since meeting Bravo…. And, know I’m the social person, that attracts people…. I have even had friends, tell me, you used to be this quiet guy that never talked, now your the social guy….I have even been accused of being a player… Haha…. Thanks, Bravo, not only are you a good teacher, but a great friend…

  30. I started my journey with another PUA company. After almost a year of these lame missions and still haven’t opened ONE set. I stumbled upon Bravo’s site.
    One coaching call and I finally saw the light. I finally opened my first sets.
    I had extreme anxiety.
    Shortly after, I started Bravo’s online program.
    So happy with his method and teaching I attended project X.
    A couple of years later…
    I have nowhere near as much anxiety as I did. I will approach an attractive female and conversate with her.
    I Met some amazing friends.
    I nailed more chicks than MOST of the people in the world.
    His online program? Wow! I met some people that thought they were pimps on POF. Not even close. I literally have over 300 pages of replies in my hotmail account (I save those and erase others lol). Totally worth.
    I honestly believe Bravo should increase the cost of his online program to at least 300 dollars.
    It you guys had any doubts about bravo and his coaching.
    Erase it. He is the real deal.
    Thanks bravo!!!

  31. Its been about a year since I started doing any type of coaching with Bravo. Between 7 Coaching Calls, and attending Project X2, my life has taken a journey from being the virgin I was a year ago, to having sex with at least 1 different girl each month.
    Never before would I have guessed that I would be going out at night and receiving no less than 3 numbers, a few make-outs, and the occasional SNL. It’s not a shock to me when I receive any of these anymore….it’s a normal part of my reality and lifestyle.
    My life socially is the envy of my friends who call me the “Pussy Extraordinaire”. They now believe I was born with a “gift” similar to naturals.
    I also never thought that I would have the balls to go Direct during Day Game, and actually have success from it. One of my current F-buddies was Picked up, had a D2, then a F-Close in less than 6 days through this.
    Bravo has been a catalyst to my improvement since the very first day I spoke with him on the phone. His help with my lifestyle and Pick-Up wasn’t something that was complete after a single month or two. Even after a year, I’m remembering Bravo’s advice and am starting to become to the social artist I always dreamed of.
    I never thought I would be where I am today!
    So if you’re looking for any reason to contact Bravo for any of his coaching (Online Game, 1-on-1, Project X, Phone Coaching), hopefully my “long-term” story can persuade you to do so.
    Although I honestly think there should be a disclaimer of some sort. Because once you start coaching with him, you’ll need to start purchasing condoms in bulk to handle the amount of traffic you’ll be receiving….

  32. Juan :

    Hey Bravo I just found you on youtube and well done, man. I’ve been going out more than before lately, just trying to meet new people: guys or girls, it doesn’t matter. I’m trying to get it so I have this cool extensive circle of friends I can always hang out with and are just cool people. I don’t know if you travel anymore or anything like that, nor how much you charge, or anything like that. I’m 21 years old at the moment, hit me up with the details of going out together and working the scene for a day or two.

    thanks man!
    but if asking about 1on1 coaching, please re-read what I wrote about and apply

  33. Hey Bravo I just found you on youtube and well done, man. I’ve been going out more than before lately, just trying to meet new people: guys or girls, it doesn’t matter. I’m trying to get it so I have this cool extensive circle of friends I can always hang out with and are just cool people. I don’t know if you travel anymore or anything like that, nor how much you charge, or anything like that. I’m 21 years old at the moment, hit me up with the details of going out together and working the scene for a day or two.

  34. Bravo… Just wanted to drop a line and say thanks for all the time and effort you’ve put into educating myself and fellow OGers.
    Thanks bro!

  35. Hi,
    Mark – 38 – England
    Bravo, really like the idea of couple of days of coaching.
    I’ve been into the Game for a while, been with 50 ish women.
    Just got out of a 3 year relationship and feel quite rusty.
    Sticking points are actually having the courage to het up and make
    approaches without having too much to drink – at which point your
    game is not so good. Kind of feel a bit old for going out to clubs, but would
    like to explore other avenues apart from clubs and bars.
    Interested in 2 days of night and day game, also willing to travel.

  36. Had a 1 on 1 coaching with Bravo for three whole days. Those three days completely change my life, not just in terms of getting better with women. But as a whole, to help me be a complete man!!! Its just not coaching, its an adventure filled experiance.
    He helped me conquere my fears and AFC self doubts, that I had since me and my ex-fiancé brake up. Dusted off the real me, and showed and taught me how to be the awesome kick ass man that wanted to come out.
    From his coaching, I’m currently banging 2 chicks at the moment and with his teachings, I landed my dream job. Bravo 1 on 1 is a priceless experience and something that you will use and never forget for the rest of your life.
    Thanks Bravo for showing the light to me!!! I’m will always be greatful for what you did for me.

  37. I attended the flashchat hosted by Shotz and NSM tonight, and it was honestly the most helpful advice I’ve ever gotten. I’ve been struggling with a few aspects of my life, and he helped sort them out and clarify what I’m doing wrong, and straighten my mindset on how I approach pickup and my life in general. I would take a Bravohood flash chat over any other pickup material i could think of.
    I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the help and support you provide through your site. I feel like everyone here actually cares about each others’ progress and well being and isn’t just out to make a quick buck off of rehashed pickup jargon.

  38. Bravo,
    I’ll start with the bullet points
    Age: 27
    Location: San Diego
    Experience: Had like 2 brief GFs in college, and a 3 year relationship during law school. Otherwise, around these I’ve been with between 85-90 girls.
    Basically, before my 3 year relationship, I was great. Didn’t know any of the PUA stuff but guess college and having some of that stuff come naturally I just did well. Anyway, since me and my GF split, my confidence has not come back and I am really off and on. I get the typical anxiety in opening, but once its opened, I am just a descent talker, so I usually have descent middle game. However, and I guess this is where the difference between my old self and new self come in, is my closing def seems to be off.
    Days of coaching: No idea, hit me up on my email so I can get an idea of how this all works and we’ll take it from there.

  39. just got this sent to me!

    Just because a girl has implants, that doesn’t make her a bad person. I have them, but I’m not all looks and no brains. I am the Sr. Admin Assistant for Delta Airlines. So maybe if you overlook the implants we might be able to chat 🙂

  40. bravo
    Im 24 Ive got game to a point my friends call me breadcrumbs because they send me out and all the birds flock to me i have no trouble approaching and getting any group laughing without cannned routines and lead them back to my friends or where ever i want but they also give me shit saying i can talk my way into a girls pants then talk my way out because im a dumb ass and cant read IOI’s i also have trouble pulling the trigger…. because i cant read these things. ive slept and dated with 15+ women in the 5-7 range but i want to make something happen with the 8-10s that always just slip out of my grasp!
    how much for your help? i live in australia so 1 on 1 will probably be a problem lol but keen for some feedback by email

  41. Jacob :

    In the email include

    I’m 26
    Cincinnati, OH
    I’ve had two girl friends, many years ago, but still a virgin.

    I would like to develop a very strong internal state of confidence that lasts permanently. My confidence seems more like a roller coaster of sorts. I want to be able to do successful direct approaches, and I would also like to become much better conversationally with women. I have been somewhat of a loner these past few years, so recently I’ve been putting myself out there, sparking up random conversations when I get the chance. I still get major approach anxiety when thinking about or trying to approach women. I appreciate any help you can offer, thanks.

    A weekend of coaching would be awesome!

    don’t plan it out here….need to email me brother!

  42. In the email include
    I’m 26
    Cincinnati, OH
    I’ve had two girl friends, many years ago, but still a virgin.
    I would like to develop a very strong internal state of confidence that lasts permanently. My confidence seems more like a roller coaster of sorts. I want to be able to do successful direct approaches, and I would also like to become much better conversationally with women. I have been somewhat of a loner these past few years, so recently I’ve been putting myself out there, sparking up random conversations when I get the chance. I still get major approach anxiety when thinking about or trying to approach women. I appreciate any help you can offer, thanks.
    A weekend of coaching would be awesome!

  43. Was at a bar with a few of my friends last night ran into some people from high school who I haven’t seen in years. I got stopped by one of them and there jaw’s drop and just bombarding the shit out of me with compliments by how I dress, how confident I am and how I just carry myself in general. It was them wanting to hangout and them asking me for my numbered I thought it was ironic in the sense of this time 6 years ago I was invisible to them. Couldn’t of done it with out you man!

  44. I dedicated the girl I just had sex with to Bravo. Using Bravo’s FREE teachings I’ve had more girls than with any other pua method, when I have the money I’m buying your program. Bravo — drinks are on me whenever you’re in my neck of the woods.

  45. Cant praise this man enough….I followed his advice on how to use plenty of fish dating website..In a matter of weeks I got the chick Ive always mascara required…great wisdom with no hidden agenda….do yourself a favor and check out online game….

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