How a flashlight could have saved lives at the Batman shooting
so THAT’S why you carry a pocket flashlight and handgun with you when you go to the movies Bravo
I just got home from a 1on1 private lesson, but wanted to share this info with you guys before I went to bed.
I figured a quick youtube vid would cover it faster, so just made this- how a flashlight could have saved lives
Recent post on my forum-
Flashlight saved me from a fight
here a student who watched my 21 Convention speech shares how a flashlight helped him avoid a street fight
My 1hour vid on firearm selection, and additional low-light tips
Bravo- Tactical Self Defense & Firearm Selection Speech
this is the video he watched
And REQUIRED reading- Col John Grossman
On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs
AMAZING post about proper mindset
Bottom line, a powerful flashlight that you shine into ANYBODY’S eyes will make it almost impossible for them to see.
If they can’t see, they can’t fight!
This would then allow people to escape, or be even more effective with their firearm or other weapon.
I always carry one at night, on airplanes, and in movie theaters.
You are not a man if you can not protect yourself, or your loved ones!- Bravo
Got my flashlight after hearing you talk about it at Project X. It’s saved my ass a couple of times and given me a great story/teaching point to tell girls 🙂
Looks like SOG checked this post out!
Good read- by a former SEAL, who basically says the same thing about tactical flashlights that I did
loved this post
muzzle flash is MUCH different than a light
and remember, most will flinch and blink while shooting- and doubt even a highly trained guy could use JUST the flash to target ID
Flashlights like these are dangerous … I think they should be restricted to LEO and military only. They can be used by civilians to do violence and flashlight crime.
Just kidding 🙂
I use some higher end lights (Malkoff, Surefire, HDS) but they are quite effective for both utility and emergency.
Good vid.
Great post and great blog. I am damn happy that I stumbled across your page and added it to my “favorites.” Honestly, I see how a flashlight could do justice with a semi-auto pistol but would it make a difference if someone was wielding an AR-15? Couldnt you light a place up with your eyes shooting one of those?
Just ordered mine as well. Thanks for the info, Bravo!
Streamlight is a brand of flashlights-
Surefire is another brand
Once you find a model you like, you can usually hop on youtube and find a video of someone demo’ing it
I prefer lithium battery powered flashlights- smaller and more powerful
and just like a knife or gun, I prefer ones that are easier to carry
the light / gun/ knife you have with you when you need it- is better than the one sitting at home when you need it
Might be a stupid question but low lights and stream lights are the same thing??? Do you know of a webside where I can compare different stream lights just like the one you have???
SH!!!!!!!T, you know I’ve got my surefires and streamlights on lockdown….because I learned that from Bravo. Not only that, but I make sure my girlfriend carries hers as well. Working at a gun counter, I usually make sure everyone purchases a light with their new HOME DEFENSE or CCW firearm.
Just ordered mine. Been meaning to since the first Project X, but always put it off. Well, not after what happened yesterday.
Excellent tip: Super simple, yet useful for a broad of situations.
Also, it can be a big help in countries where possession of a firearm is prohibited, like Brazil. As usual, only good tax-paying citzens follow this law, and this reflects in the violence statistics.
Pro tip, Bravo.
here is a link to the flashlight I carry from Amazon 35 bucks now!!!
This is a really handy tip worth a watch!