Online Game 2.0 coming soon
The contest we ran for the beta testers was a blast. I am currently putting the final touches on my new ONLINE GAME PROGRAM.
Guys have been posting on my forum, PMing me, emailing me, and Facebooking me asking for more info.
So making this post to answer those questions (and because I can just link you here 🙂
First off, I hate e-books. I have never read an entire one, and can’t stand it when someone asks a simple question they get directed to a 96page ebook to find the answer. I also have 1000’s of pages of ebooks saved which I am 100% sure I will never read.
That brings up my next point, saving this stuff on your computer. I love organizing my shit, but if the hard drive crashes, your laptop gets stolen, or there is a fire, you loose everything. That is why I made the switch to gmail and google docs a while ago, and helped all the other Stylelife coaches use it. In the cloud is the future. I even got rid of my TV years ago and have using Hulu, Netflix and torrents just fine. If you loose the DVD or scratch it you are fucked. If you want to just watch a small clip on it, it takes 20 mins to load it and fast forward to find it.
Which brings up the next point. How many people buy CDs anymore? DVDs? Video Games? Books? Those are all dying out. I transferred all my music to digital, and did the same with my favorite movies. I can access them instantly thru my PS3 for movie nights with the ladies. After my last move I wanted to get rid of most of my books, now with the iPad and kindle, so are others.
Because this is MY site, I can create a program exactly the way I want!
So all the shit that always bugged me about all the PUA products out there (besides most of them sucking and they guys selling them are just trying to make a quick buck) I decided not to do.
I had to figure out a way to get the information from my brain to your brain as efficiency and effectively as possible.
And I have to admit, I am really proud with the solution I came up with.
Almost everyone watches movies online, and for the few who haven’t you have at LEAST watched YouTube clips. So my ONLINE GAME training video will be available to you 24/7, instantly streaming. You can watch it as many times as you want, from where ever you want. This is my newest and most up to date tactics for getting girls on dating sites, how to pick the best site, and everything you need to pimp out your page.
Just a few of the tips from the video alone has led to results like this-
I ran across a post of Bravo’s on an internet discussion forum, where he talked about ways to stand out and get women to respond to you on internet dating sites.
As with most things, I was pretty skeptical. I’ve heard plenty of guys claiming to be a super stud, only to turn out to be a loser dud.
After following the discussion for several days and seeing other members replying and claiming they had used the methods he was promoting, and were now getting noticed by women, I started to get a peaked interest.
To be completely honest though, I decided to move forward with his advice, half because I figured what the hell, anything is worth a shot, and the other half thinking I can expose this guy and those replies a probably his best friends backing him up.
So, I diligently followed his advice, word for word. I wasn’t going to mess this up by slightly changing something and leave him a door to blame any failure on my changes.
Up to that point, I had been on this particular dating site for a few months and had only gotten a handful of replies, and only a couple worth even replying to, using a profile I created myself, and thought was pretty good.
I replaced this all with the suggestions Bravo had made.
Within 3 hours I had 2 replies, both from cute looking girls!
Oh well, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, right?
I went to bed that night slightly intrigued with the 2 ladies that had suddenly shown an interest in me.
The next day I was busy and didn’t get to check online until late in the evening. Not even 24 hours had passed, and when I logged in I was shocked. I had 17 women who had send my messages! And at least 6 of them were very attractive girls that seemed to offer other great attributes, like shared interests, good humor, and similar goals.
I was blown away. Consider me a skeptic no more.- BKViper
more can be found as comments on my blog
Also in the 1 hour vid I teach you how to transition OFF the website to the phone and later how to plan the dates.
The next issue I wanted to deal with was the lame ass E-BOOKS. Ever if you read thru it all you have to bookmark sections that are helpful, then have to hand type anything back out.
So I wanted any of the tips I type up for you guys, to be able to not only be read anytime and anywhere, but also so you could just copy/paste it directly to your page.
Need help with an ABOUT ME section on your profile? Here are proven examples I have used, just copy and maybe change 5 words to personalize!
And finally the biggest issue. Once you purchase a product, and the company has your money, they don’t give a shit about you or how you do. Hell just trying to get customer service on the phone for a change of address or refund sometimes seems impossible. So what I decided to do is incorporate my entire ONLINE GAME PROGRAM into my website and onto the most popular section, my forum.
I am really proud of my PUA forum, after running the Stylelife Forums for years (85,000+ members) I got to see the best and the worst of them. I also am the most active Master PUA on the forums and the most accessible to everyone.
So I wrapped everything together.
When you purchase my online game program you will get special access to a private section of my forum. In the section is my ONLINE GAME training video, which ALONE will take your digital game to the next level. But because this section is private we can all share and critique our personal pages, everyone will be adding to the body of knowledge so we always have to most up to date and cutting tactics, I have also posted some direct transcripts of conversations and routines I constantly use to build a connection.
You can also post any question you want, and get direct feedback from everyone else in this private section of ours.
Oh and the best part, a 1 time flat fee that is less than a few months on some of the current most popular dating sites.
The tips you will learn from me, will save you more money than that in the long run.
Anyways that is the update for now, I had a date with a girl from an online site yesterday, I have another one with a girl from a different sites today (one who contacted me first!) and am teaching and hanging at the PUA summit all weekend (if you come by please say HI, would like to grab lunch or dinner with some of the guys there)
I will be launching this program with a special discounted rate next week. If you want to be the first to know put your name and email in the box to the right of this post, so you don’t miss the introduction sale.
See ya on the forum!
and for anyone who is planning on getting this, if you are NOT already a member of my forum, sign up now
it is required to view the private section