1 Year Anniversary


1 year ago I launched this blog

Slowly it started building up with traffic and comments and several months later I was asked to add a forum, I did The Bravohood, which is totally free an said by many to be the best PUA forum on the internet.
Just a short while ago it hit 365 members. (crazy coincidence)
Guys started asking about doing training with me, so I set it up to do phone and skype coaching, I created my Online Game 2.0 program (which has been endorsed by many PUA / Life coaches and instructors)
Now guys are asking for infield training, which is going to come very soon (and like everything I do will kickass)
I never took a computer class in my life and 1 year ago when I made this blog I wasn’t sure how it would do, I will admit I was very worried it was just going to be a ghost town like so many other PUA style sites.
I did my best NOT to let that happen, and now a year later am kicking ass because of YOU guys
So thank you for helping me, thank you for helping make this site a success, and thank you for supporting me!

6 thoughts on “1 Year Anniversary

  1. Happy first Birthday to your blog, I look forward to hearing about your next apperances and in part your infield training/ boot camps
    Keep up the great work Bravo
    Peace from London, UK

  2. Yes! So excited for you bro. Thanks for all the support and help throughout these past couple months. I hope nothing but the best for you and the forum and the hundreds of thousands of guys who are serious about changing their lives for the better!
    I only hope this gets bigger and better!

  3. Keyword “style” in PUA style sites! Ha ha ha!
    Thank YOU for creating this site.
    I’ve learned more in one week than I did in one year on the other site.
    I would’ve been lost in pick up if it wasn’t for you and this
    Definitely one of the coolest people I met.
    Glad to be your friend brother.
    It’s been a year already? Wow!

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