Online Dating Coaching Program

Tired of swiping right on a sea of beautiful women hoping you’ll make a match? And even when you somehow make a match, you can’t seem to keep their interest?

Starting every conversation with the same questions just to go on read and never hear back?

You are competing for the attention of women who open their app to hundreds of messages and likes every day.

If you want to learn from the coach that other dating coaches come to for help, and finally get a real conversation and even a date, let’s get started..

I put together a special program walking you thru step by step EXACTLY what I do to make this happen, this is from one of the guys who tried it- 

Master online dating with me helping you every step of the way!

Access to the Online Game Program through your phone or computer, as often as you want!

Your Online Game program includes the following:

  • A 60 minute coaching call with me ($200 value)
  • I’ll personally optimize your dating profile with you to get those likes and conversations rolling
  • Once your profile is optimized, you may need help responding to women, you’ll have access to great resources to keep the messages going
  • Access to the weekly group coaching call where you can ask me questions to keep improving your game
  • Access to critical training videos and call recordings
  • I’ll tell you what the best ones are! Stop wasting your time on bad dating apps. (Hint: paid dating apps are not it)
  • Getting the right first message to a woman can make or break your chance with them. Never make another mistake.
  • How to transition off the app and onto a date


All for just $49.99 a month!!


Here is what a recent student shared after signing up-

Bravo – I sending this to you in the hopes that other guys who are struggling to find answers about online dating read this. Feel free to share it. It’s honest, nothing more, nothing less.

Let me preface this by noting I am a clinical and forensic psychologist (yes, doctorate level). I study people. I can’t even estimate the number of couples I have counseled. Almost six weeks ago, my relationship finally ended (a dentist can still get a cavity). I have heard horror stories about online dating from both male and female patients. In the same boat, I was confused, anxious, and even considered returning to that terrible ex. Online dating isn’t natural, and it’s fucking weird. I sought some clarity on the internet and repeatedly saw folks referencing someone named Bravo. I finally found a video of him explaining online dating. It blew my mind! I sought him out, and it’s paid off in dividends already. I would have never figured this out on my own despite seven years of grad school and a ton of professional experience. My online game is like fishing with dynamite. He has made it so easy!

As a psychologist, I am amazed at what you have put together, Bravo. It all makes so much sense now, and the results speak for themselves. You are my new favorite person! I’m so impressed. You have had a major impact on my life in a few short weeks. Thank you! And I hope you know that. You really have!

If you are struggling with online dating, check out Bravo’s online coaching program (after you do, say hi – I am a real person). He has put in years of work figuring this out, so we don’t have to. What you will learn from him is priceless, and the collective mind of the other group members accelerates this process. All the things you won’t even say to your closest friends about your insecurities will at some point come up in the online coaching program. Bravo is the guy I go to for help with online dating. Online dating is confusing! Why struggle?


Bravo’s online game is some SOLID!!!!
The program is set out in a clear and concise way so that anyone can understand. Bravo gives you the tools you need to get a solid profile up and going and then teaches you everything you need to know about messaging and flirting with hot girls.
Like everything Bravo teaches he gets straight down to the fundamentals of how internet dating works and what you have to do to stand out from the rest. Once you understand how it all works you can use the tools and valuable lesson you learn here to branch your game out


Bravo’s Online Game is incredibly effective. I was getting very little traffic with my Plenty of Fish account. After using Bravo’s program I had immediate results. With some changes to my about me section, my pictures, and some openers, I am getting so much traffic that it’s almost too much to keep up with.
The great part about it is that I can do it in my free time. I can go on for a little while at night and set up dates for that week. As someone with a busy schedule, this is so convenient. It’s also great if you live farther out of town or are new to an area. You will be meeting people immediately.
With Bravo’s program, there is no anxiety. You can do a search for exactly what you are looking for, use one of Bravo’s powerful openers, send them out to several girls you are interested in, and bam, the next day there are messages in your inbox!
Not only that, but with Bravo’s amazing headlines and profile critiques, women will be contacting you. It’s so easy, you can set back and watch as the women check your page out, then you choose who you want. The only problem is that it’s so easy, one might be tempted to stop going out and doing cold approaches.




All for just $49.99 a month!!

After you sign up, I will email you back with the info you need to access the program
If you have any questions, email me and I will get back to you ASAP!


184 thoughts on “Online Dating Coaching Program

  1. .
    2 hours ago
    Matthew Dean McClure
    I sarged a hot filipina girl about 25 years old today in a coffee shop. I asked her opinion on a certain actor I had up on my computer. I asked her what she thought of him or another guy (both from the movie Social Network) for my movie. She gave her opinion. Then I ran the ring routine on her..middle finger..Dionysis..ect…then shifted into..list attributes about herself that others find attractive NOT INCLUDING HER LOOKS. ? Here, she paused and was clearly chalenged. She finally answered “Personality.” I said, that’s too vague..and only one. List three atttributes.. I could here the crickets chirping in her head..nothing. Then I did a quick Ross JEffries pattern…and as her order came up she kept backing away from me..crossing her arms..I asked if she was on FB.? She said..with an ugly face..I don’t do Facebook. or something like that. — ERic, I’m more upset with myself for this sarge than her response or lack I never close with asking girls about FB how lame? But She just aswered a bunch of questions for me about the movie Social I thought it was an appropriate close. I could tell she was lying and am for some reason pissed off at myself. THis is happening alot to me lately for some reason. Is it my vibe or what? I feel like they are rejecting me before the sarge. Please any detailed insight would make me feel so much better right now??? Thanks bro
    I was thinking I should of said to her after her not being able to list three attributes about herself that people find attractive besides her looks.. — was this: “ERRR..too slow, you failed. I guess your not as attractive as you think to hang out with..” ??

  2. Bravo,
    I am interested in your 1 on 1 training. I think I would prefer to come to your area versus you coming to mine. The timing will depend on the cost associated with this type of training. I have done some coaching calls with you but I think I really need some 1 on 1 training to get me to the next level. Below are the answers to your requested questions.
    1. I am 38 years old.
    2. Live in Houston Texas.
    3. I was married for 15 years but I calculated before and after my marriage I have had sex with only 21 women.
    4. Sticking point consist of multiple items:
    .The biggest thing is being more consistent and understanding what is working when it works and why.
    .Amping up attraction during a conversation.
    .Understanding the social dynamics of the conversation in more detail.
    .Isolating and closing.
    5. A weekend of coaching would probably be good enough for our first get together.

  3. Alain :

    I love Hypnotica’s stuff and when he says that someone is worth it, it’s absolutly true.
    Thanks for all the info and coaching.

    Actually planning on hanging out with him today in SD!
    Awesome attracts awesome

  4. I used to be the person who scanned this page, read other people’s comments, and STILL didn’t realize what Bravo was offering with his phone coaching. Before taking coaching calls with Bravo….I KIND OF had an idea how to get good at pick-up. Yet, I was still a 21-year old virgin, receiving barely any make-outs when I went out, and not living life even outside of pickup as I should be.
    I was very confident that Bravo would be the real deal, so I went for it and after 3 coaching calls with him…I’m no longer the person I used to be.
    2 weeks after doing the homework assignments, debriefing interactions, setting goals and working on ways to achieve them…I lost my virginity.
    Let me say that again…..
    After only THREE coaching calls with Bravo, he helped me lose my V-Card which I’d been trying to lose for more than 6 years. But that’s not all….have had 5 in-field make-outs within 7 days of each other…countless #closes to expand my social circle, and a new F-buddy.
    If you’ve ever played any kind of hobby or sport, you should realize how important it is to have a good coach and how much they can improve your skills in that area.
    Bravo is the coach for you. He’s the real deal…and a damn good friend.
    There are always excuses to NOT do something. I hope my story can begin to give you an excuse to improve your life with the help of Bravo.

  5. I’m fucking impressed Bravo.
    I messaged a chick at 10a with the tweaks I made to my online profile and I used your canned opener, and 20min later received a reply.
    Since I’m moving to Peru in 3 weeks, I’m not wasting my fucking time. So I message her back an hour later with my number (I was doing other stuff).
    I have her on the phone and 30min later and we’re planning on meeting up next week.
    This is a hot 21 year old.
    I must admit I moved really fast on this one, but that’s my style in the field so I just replicated it here. I’m not sure how many chicks this style will work on, but regardless, Bravo, the prerequisite architecture fucking works! Right on~!

  6. I’m fucking impressed Bravo.
    I messaged a chick at 10a with the tweaks I made to my online profile and I used your canned opener, and 20min later received a reply.
    Since I’m moving to Peru in 3 weeks, I’m not wasting my fucking time. So I message her back an hour later with my number (I was doing other stuff).
    I have her on the phone and 30min later and we’re planning on meeting up next week.
    This is a hot 21 year old.
    I must admit I moved really fast on this one, but that’s my style in the field so I just replicated it here. I’m not sure how many chicks this style will work on, but regardless, Bravo, the prerequisite architecture fucking works! Right on~!

  7. Having had decent success with meeting women in bars and clubs, I never took online game seriously — until I saw Bravo give his online game presentation at The 21 Convention.
    Having met Bravo once before, and then again at T21C, I knew this guy was “the real deal”, and because of that, I took the overall speech pretty seriously, and, inspired specifically by the speech, re-activated my ancient POF account only a few days later.
    I implemented a number of the things Bravo mentioned during the speech … and I know this will sound like complete BS, but hooked up with two hotties within about a week, two consecutive nights in a row — and they friggin worked together! (Which is even harder to believe, because they are both massage therapists).
    My roommates were as blown away as I was having seen this go down, and knowing full well how I met these girls.
    What’s more, I started dating the first out of those two, who is extremely attractive, and extremely cool. High quality is an understatement. And adding insult to injury, this is literally my first girlfriend — and I would not have even been on POF, let alone met her, without Bravo and his work in online game.
    Thanks Bravo — seriously.
    — Anthony Dream Johnson
    CEO & Founder: The 21 Convention

  8. Having had decent success with meeting women in bars and clubs, I never took online game seriously — until I saw Bravo give his online game presentation at The 21 Convention.
    Having met Bravo once before, and then again at T21C, I knew this guy was “the real deal”, and because of that, I took the overall speech pretty seriously, and, inspired specifically by the speech, re-activated my ancient POF account only a few days later.
    I implemented a number of the things Bravo mentioned during the speech … and I know this will sound like complete BS, but hooked up with two hotties within about a week, two consecutive nights in a row — and they friggin worked together! (Which is even harder to believe, because they are both massage therapists).
    My roommates were as blown away as I was having seen this go down, and knowing full well how I met these girls.
    What’s more, I started dating the first out of those two, who is extremely attractive, and extremely cool. High quality is an understatement. And adding insult to injury, this is literally my first girlfriend — and I would not have even been on POF, let alone met her, without Bravo and his work in online game.
    Thanks Bravo — seriously.
    — Anthony Dream Johnson
    CEO & Founder: The 21 Convention

  9. Bravo’s 1 on 1 coaching is epic. I did two days with him and the result, he changed my life. Before meeting up with him, I was the guy standing just watching everything happen, always wondering what it would be like to be to talk to model’s and have girls BEGGING for my attention.
    Thanks to Bravo, my dream’s are a reality in only 48 hours! I opened this group of models, and noticed how the guys near by were staring at me, shocked, wishing that they could be the ones talking to the models. Even had girls just doing anything just to have my attention. Which was a complete shock to me!
    Thank you Bravo for changing my life, I can never thank you enough what you did for me!

  10. after a summer of wading through the pof jungle of poon with my meat-chete i have found an awesome GF. this program got me the coolest chick i have ever met. Never would have made a pof profile without this program, never would have met this girl without this program.
    Sincere thank you to Bravo!

  11. after a summer of wading through the pof jungle of poon with my meat-chete i have found an awesome GF. this program got me the coolest chick i have ever met. Never would have made a pof profile without this program, never would have met this girl without this program.
    Sincere thank you to Bravo!

  12. Bravo and his forum have, and continue to, change my life for the better. Being a part of this community has given me the much needed kick up the arse to sort my life out. I’m now finally ticking off those goals I’ve wanted for years.
    Bravo’s online game package is a straight forward, field-tested, and best of all, no bullshit piece of work. If you actually want to see results, rather than drown yourself with theory, GET IT.
    Thanks Bravo, and all the posters on the forum that have guided me through this amazing experience.
    Honey Badger

  13. Bravo’s stuff works man! I was on an online dating service and was getting maybe 1 response out of ten. Practically every message that i have sent that i heard from bravo gets a response and now i have several dates lined up because of it! I encourage anyone to check out his techniques!

  14. Bravo’s stuff works man! I was on an online dating service and was getting maybe 1 response out of ten. Practically every message that i have sent that i heard from bravo gets a response and now i have several dates lined up because of it! I encourage anyone to check out his techniques!

  15. So fucking worth it.
    I am a virgin and had never made out with a girl in a club before… after a few coaching calls with bravo, I’ve made out with a new girl every time I’ve gone out in the past week, gotten numbers every time out, and was on the verge of losing my V-Card my last night out!!
    Bravo breaks down YOUR style of game and helps change to what works for YOU and what YOU want. Worth every damn penny. This is where you will find the motivation to change your LIFE.
    My life with women has totally changed within the last month.. I haven’t ever had so much fun and been so happy. Which in turn has given me the motivation to achieve goals in life OTHER than pick up.
    Thank you so much Bravo.. You have no idea how much this means to me

  16. i just want to say that i’m fat and ugly as shit and this shit WORKS!! lol it’s rainin bitches over here.

  17. i just want to say that i’m fat and ugly as shit and this shit WORKS!! lol it’s rainin bitches over here.

  18. I’ve used Bravos online game to meet girls all over the Country. Travelling a lot for work and pulling 12 hour shifts makes it extremely difficult to find the time to meet girls, and build enough attraction to make anything happen in a new city.
    Using Bravos online game I can now meet girls from the city I’m about to visit, build attraction, and set up a date all before I even arrive. Guys from my work comment on how I have a girl in every port, lol.
    Thanks again Bravo

  19. I’ve used Bravos online game to meet girls all over the Country. Travelling a lot for work and pulling 12 hour shifts makes it extremely difficult to find the time to meet girls, and build enough attraction to make anything happen in a new city.
    Using Bravos online game I can now meet girls from the city I’m about to visit, build attraction, and set up a date all before I even arrive. Guys from my work comment on how I have a girl in every port, lol.
    Thanks again Bravo

  20. Ryanlondon :

    Dude if you have London one planned, lemme know!

    Bravo quality is not cheap though, right? 🙂

    1 on 1 is me coming to you, or you coming to me, and each planned accordingly, if you want more info email me!

  21. Bravo is an amazing teacher, someone who actually cares about you and genuinely wants to help. He provides structure to pick-up that allows his students to turn theory into practice. Even after the coaching calls, he will continue to check in on you. Talk to him, you will be motivated to do this and Bravo can show you the way.

  22. I met my GF using Bravo’s Online Game 1.0, and we have been together for almost a year now. Bravo’s Online Game 2.0 infinitely more effective than his 1.0 program and I would recommend it to anyone! Regardless of your goals for wanting to meet girls online, Bravo’s program can help you achieve those goals!

  23. I met my GF using Bravo’s Online Game 1.0, and we have been together for almost a year now. Bravo’s Online Game 2.0 infinitely more effective than his 1.0 program and I would recommend it to anyone! Regardless of your goals for wanting to meet girls online, Bravo’s program can help you achieve those goals!

  24. I have grown more than I can imagine, I’ve had coaching calls with him and met the man in person plenty of times, he’s 100% legit and has helped me surpass levels I didn’t think were possible, I have two fuck buddies and other women I see. So thank you Bravo, thank you for helping me grow not only as a pick up artist, but even more, as a Man.

  25. Bravo, I was linked to this page when I was looking under your “social alchemy section”. Don’t see that offered on here. Or is it not up yet?

  26. Stop sitting at home by yourself, talk to Bravo and start living your life!
    Game on!
    Bravo, we’ll talk again soon, thank you my friend!

  27. I’ve gotten great at pick up, thought I flatlined and couldn’t get much better, talked to Bravo and he opened my eyes again, now I have bigger goals. Thanks again for putting things in perspective.

  28. When I started, my profile was set to hardcore AFC. After Bravo gave me a few pointers, I started getting a lot of messages. Now, I don’t even check my profile because my plate has been full for quite a while.
    Bravo knows his sh!t.

  29. When I started, my profile was set to hardcore AFC. After Bravo gave me a few pointers, I started getting a lot of messages. Now, I don’t even check my profile because my plate has been full for quite a while.
    Bravo knows his sh!t.

  30. Bravo turned some of us onto some of his online tips at another site and everyone who tried them started getting amazing results. The replies I get today are from women who are far better than those I used to get AND the women are more open and playful so it’s a lot easier to get things moving once I get them offline (which Bravo also showed us how to do).
    It’s mindboggling how well this stuff works. I’m not the hottest, tallest, or richest guy but I have so much activity now that I have to choose which women to blow off because I don’t have time to keep up with them all.
    Thanks Bravo!

  31. Bravo turned some of us onto some of his online tips at another site and everyone who tried them started getting amazing results. The replies I get today are from women who are far better than those I used to get AND the women are more open and playful so it’s a lot easier to get things moving once I get them offline (which Bravo also showed us how to do).
    It’s mindboggling how well this stuff works. I’m not the hottest, tallest, or richest guy but I have so much activity now that I have to choose which women to blow off because I don’t have time to keep up with them all.
    Thanks Bravo!

  32. Dear Bravo,
    Brother i’m 26 and i’m already DIVORSED and my wife rather ex-wife is already engaged again:( .Now I picked up a girl whom i met on a bus and exchanged emails with her. And she sent me an email but now she isn’t replying now.
    How to proceed now and escalate??

  33. Bravo knows his stuff. That’s all there is to it.
    He’s climbed the ladder to Master PUA in no time, and there is good reason for it. I was really thinking about it, and it comes down to this:
    The reason why Bravo is so talented at what he does is because of his disciplined mind, organized lifestyle, and his understanding of social dynamics. (If you’ve had the pleasure of talking to him in person, you know what I mean).
    All of his life experiences have prepared him for this role. Given his tactical training in firearms he has developed leadership skills, fearlessness, and the ability to convey and communicate ideas in terms we can all understand. If you’re reading this, he’s been in your shoes— he’s experienced your failures and he’s figured out how to turn those failures into successes.
    If you want to make an investment in your future love life, career, and beyond— this is how it is done. Get out a piece of paper, list what you want to accomplish this year and then get out your phone and call Bravo, its as simple as that.
    Take the reigns of your life: Welcome to the Bravohood.

  34. I read a lot of the advice Bravo offered on another website. With just a few changes based on that I started having women contacting me asking to meet me in less than 24 hours. The quality of the women looking at my profile increased dramatically from fat middle aged women to educated, good looking women.
    Pretty crazy.
    Thanks Bravo

  35. I read a lot of the advice Bravo offered on another website. With just a few changes based on that I started having women contacting me asking to meet me in less than 24 hours. The quality of the women looking at my profile increased dramatically from fat middle aged women to educated, good looking women.
    Pretty crazy.
    Thanks Bravo

  36. I didn’t think chicks would actually fall for this PUA stuff. But, out of curiosity, I changed one of my free site profiles from my plain vanilla narrative to Bravo’s suggested language. I didn’t change anything else, because I wanted to prove to myself that this stuff doesn’t actually work.
    My old narrative would generate a message every once in a while. But, within a few hours of using Bravo’s suggestions I had more messages than I had using my old narrative in months.
    I am a converted believer!! I never thought it would work, but Bravo understands the female mind!

  37. I didn’t think chicks would actually fall for this PUA stuff. But, out of curiosity, I changed one of my free site profiles from my plain vanilla narrative to Bravo’s suggested language. I didn’t change anything else, because I wanted to prove to myself that this stuff doesn’t actually work.
    My old narrative would generate a message every once in a while. But, within a few hours of using Bravo’s suggestions I had more messages than I had using my old narrative in months.
    I am a converted believer!! I never thought it would work, but Bravo understands the female mind!

  38. I didn’t think chicks would actually fall for this PUA stuff. But, out of curiosity, I changed one of my free site profiles from my plain vanilla narrative to Bravo’s suggested language. I didn’t change anything else, because I wanted to prove to myself that this stuff doesn’t actually work.
    My old narrative would generate a message every once in a while. But, within a few hours of using Bravo’s suggestions I had more messages than I had using my old narrative in months.
    I am a converted believer!! I never thought it would work, but Bravo understands the female mind!

  39. Hi Bravo
    I am getting more confident at approaching women, at supermarkets at the library etc., but after my initial opener, some small talk, I run out of inspiration and don’t know what to say. For instance I was in a shoe store yesterday where there was this beautiful girl who was trying out 4 pairs of shoes in a row and I said: the black ones fit you really well. She smiled and said thanks and we spoke for a minute. I really felt she opened up and was positive about me approaching her. So after a minute of talking, which went really well, words failed me. Her last words were that she found it difficult walking with those types of shoes.
    When leaving the store I told myself: Why didn’t you say something like, ‘well, you have to suffer for your beauty’ and follow up with something like ‘and you must suffer a lot’. But those words didn’t come to me and once again words failed. Why is it difficult to sustain MOMENTUM? On advance thank you very much.

  40. I just posted this in the forum, but for those of you who aren’t in it. I thought I’d shed some light.
    “It comes down to your goals—- what do you want out of all of this?”
    I met Bravo in sunny LA last night and let me tell you— he’s the real deal. I was nervous and cold, but he made me feel like I was one of his old pals. He took time out of his busy schedule to help a guy who really needed it.
    After some rounds of sushi, Root Beer, and deconstructing theories of my own. Bravo concisely told me how to improve, and this is just the beginning.
    Furthermore, I’ll have to agree with Misterola— The Game is about balance, and what’s great is that it teaches you a lot about time management. The fundamentals of being goal orientated, motivated, and confident in your approach transcend to other facets of your life.
    If you learn from Bravo, you will learn not only how to be comfortable, confident, and interesting to women. You will define your own reality in life—- be careful with that power though.
    Great Power. Great Responsibility.
    No longer are you

  41. I just posted this in the forum, but for those of you who aren’t in it. I thought I’d shed some light.
    “It comes down to your goals—- what do you want out of all of this?”
    I met Bravo in sunny LA last night and let me tell you— he’s the real deal. I was nervous and cold, but he made me feel like I was one of his old pals. He took time out of his busy schedule to help a guy who really needed it.
    After some rounds of sushi, Root Beer, and deconstructing theories of my own. Bravo concisely told me how to improve, and this is just the beginning.
    Furthermore, I’ll have to agree with Misterola— The Game is about balance, and what’s great is that it teaches you a lot about time management. The fundamentals of being goal orientated, motivated, and confident in your approach transcend to other facets of your life.
    If you learn from Bravo, you will learn not only how to be comfortable, confident, and interesting to women. You will define your own reality in life—- be careful with that power though.
    Great Power. Great Responsibility.
    No longer are you

  42. Bravo,
    thank you for the mind-blowing presentation at the Stylelife Conference.
    While all of you guys with Style had much great stuff to say, your presentation on online game was the most revelatory for me, as I thought online game was non-existent.
    Meaning that I thought using websites to picku up ladies was lame and a waste of time, putting you in line behind thousands of other guys waiting to get responses from the females, but now you have proven the opposite, and shown exactly how to do it!

  43. Bravo,
    thank you for the mind-blowing presentation at the Stylelife Conference.
    While all of you guys with Style had much great stuff to say, your presentation on online game was the most revelatory for me, as I thought online game was non-existent.
    Meaning that I thought using websites to picku up ladies was lame and a waste of time, putting you in line behind thousands of other guys waiting to get responses from the females, but now you have proven the opposite, and shown exactly how to do it!

  44. Hey guys!
    Just thought I’d give a little review for those of you who haven’t yet purchased Bravo’s Online Game program. I’m not a fan of reading lengthy posts so I’ll assume you guys are the same way.
    Literally the same night I got it I was able to update my profile to be more appealing and started getting responses from girls I was messaging. Before it was very hit and miss…now I can say whatever, sometimes just “I’m not so sure about you.” and they message back with something from my profile. I even get girls messaging me now. 🙂
    The program tells you exactly what you can say in your about section, covers different situations and just gives you a heads up on how online game works. Bravo’s stuff is tested and is definitely worth the money.
    If anyone has any questions let me know.
    Definitely a must buy for anyone who wants to be good at online game.
    – Epic

  45. Hey guys!
    Just thought I’d give a little review for those of you who haven’t yet purchased Bravo’s Online Game program. I’m not a fan of reading lengthy posts so I’ll assume you guys are the same way.
    Literally the same night I got it I was able to update my profile to be more appealing and started getting responses from girls I was messaging. Before it was very hit and miss…now I can say whatever, sometimes just “I’m not so sure about you.” and they message back with something from my profile. I even get girls messaging me now. 🙂
    The program tells you exactly what you can say in your about section, covers different situations and just gives you a heads up on how online game works. Bravo’s stuff is tested and is definitely worth the money.
    If anyone has any questions let me know.
    Definitely a must buy for anyone who wants to be good at online game.
    – Epic

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