6 thoughts on “How to apply for PROJECT X

  1. So almost 12 hours later, I have now emailed everyone after my previous email program…broke
    so everyone should know about PROJECT X who wanted to by tonight.
    I will begin going thru the applications tonight and tomorrow and contacting those who will be offered a shot at becoming 1 of the 4 horsemen!

  2. This looks awesome, a proper intense bootcamp with one-on-one instruction. If I wasn’t following a different goal I set – currently in China training kung fu, I’d be all over this!
    Best of luck to all those involved, look forward to reading the crazy escapades you will without a doubt have.

  3. Looks like the site is running slow from the traffic, sorry if it delays anything for you guys
    also I sent out the blog update emails thru here BEFORE I posted on FB, twitter, or my site.
    If it hasn’t shown up yet, it’s also because the site is bogged down.

  4. What if you literally lost count of how many f-closes you’ve had. last time I checked I was in the 28s eeer something like that.
    If I could afford this right meow I would, but I got work and my poppa’s birthday during this time. Good luck to everyone and enjoy yourselves!

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