11 thoughts on “How to apply for PROJECT X

  1. This is a truly life changing experience. After attending PX1 I didn’t think it could get any better, but each PX has been better than the last. No matter where you are in your life and pickup experience, you will learn so much and form a bond with brothers that will last a lifetime.

  2. The LR’s speak for themselves – the kind of sex you can have after attending PX (the sex that most girls fantasize about and most guys are too much of a wuss to do).
    Got a text from girl I fucked recently telling me how she keeps replaying the most intense orgasm she’s ever had over and over… amazed how one man can dominate her body and her mind at such a young age. This could be you.
    Here are a couple of LR’s right after I attended PX2:
    Also – my writeup on the difference between PX and Mystery’s Bootcamp.

  3. Since PX1 I have built a house, am currently travelling around the world, and am actively pursuing my dream of becoming a pilot.
    This is all non PU related stuff, that’s the beauty of this experience, Bravo is like a beacon lighting the way to the potential lying within you.
    Oh, and I have banged a lot of chicks.
    Best investment of my life, life long friends, have even formed amazing friendships with the guys who were on another PX course, and like Bravo said: access to top secret information beyond your wildest dreams.
    Don’t be a slack jawed faggot, put your name in the draw.

  4. I have had more sex this last year, than any other year before.. My career has skyrocketed all thanks to Bravo and his teachings. More importantly, Im comfortable in my own skin, which I never was before. Bravo taught me skills that not only helps me with women, but in all. areas of my life. Plus, I made long lasting friendships. What do you have to lose. It will change your life.

  5. PX2 Alumni here
    I made an incredible amount of connections with people in the PUA community by attending this event.
    And had an endless amount of sex in the year following this bootcamp.
    You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
    If you want to change your life and perspective on P/U, apply.

  6. I went to px1 and it is money very well spent.
    Banged a shit load of girls since then.
    Met a some amazing friends and its a life changing experience.
    Definitely worth every penny.

  7. I don’t even need to post about how Project X has changed the lives of many of our fellow hooders. Simply look at the Wednesday night flash chat with Ice and DJ. Blao!

  8. As the guy who is dating the 5’10” model/dancer, a big part of getting where I am today was in part to the incredible weekend I spent with Bravo, the coaches, and the five other awesome guys in my class. This isn’t just a bootcamp or weekend of seminars to learn how to pick up girls…this is a weekend where you learn about yourself and what it really means to be A MAN. The guys in your class become FAMILY.
    Don’t make excuses. Apply! It’s totally worth it.
    – No money: you have to April – bust ass at work, make it happen
    – No time: if this is really important to you, you WILL make the time for it
    – Not good enough: give yourself credit, you’ve started the journey already, this will help you get to the next level. Bravo chooses each guy for a reason, because he sees potential in YOU, but you’ll only get this opportunity if YOU GO FOR IT
    Quit making excuses and DO IT

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