Project X returns

This blog post is going to be short and sweet. I am in San Diego on Day 8 of my motorcycle trip thru Az and Cali.
Project X is returning!
When I did the 1st one I wasn’t even sure if it would work…well it did…better than I could have ever dreamed.
One of the reasons I moved back to Az was the ASU chicks…there are more of them and they are hotter than anywhere else I have been.
They biggest issue with sarging in Az is the heat….it’s brutal…
fall is coming, which means it is cooling off
I have taken what I learned, the feedback from those who attended the last one, and working on taking this one to the next level.
I also decided, instead of just inviting 4 students, I will up it by 2, so there will ONLY be 6 spots.
Like last year you will have to apply, and I will hand pick the lucky few.
I’ll be locking down dates when I get back, so to stay in the loop, make sure to keep checking back and sign up for my email list on the right of the page.
You do NOT want to miss out

6 thoughts on “Project X returns

  1. If I was a betting man – and I am – I’m willing to bet that this will be the most awesome thing ever… since the last project X.
    Don’t miss out!!

  2. Project X was an amazing experience for everyone involved. The next one will be even better and that’s insane. Can’t wait to see what Bravo has in store.

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