Worst DHV ever
DHV stands for Demonstration of Higher Value
A DHV is more than just a magic trick or a routine, while those can be DHVs (if done smoothly at the right time) many guys forget about the DHVs that are working for you every second, before you are even around a girl. eg. body posture, vocal projection, vocal tonality, body language, eye contact, fashion, hair, your teeth…(only listed a few that can be worked on pretty easily) If you don’t have those taken care of, then you are DLVing (Demonstrating Lower Value).
For some reason guys don’t want to work on those, they want to learn how to make a watch stop or how to CUBE a chick first…and IMO that is bad.
These last two weeks I have been discussing DHVs for hours and hours with students on my coaching calls. Many guys have an idea of what a DHV is, but are trying to force them WAY to hard to make it work effectively. The other big issue is that while it might be a great DHV, but not for the reasons you think, so all of the high points they are trying to hit are way off the mark and it ends up almost doing more harm than good…
So what I thought would be cool to try for this post, in the comments below write out a few DHVs and give an example of how you use them or incorporate them into your PUA toolbox.
Next blog post I will give an example of how I DHV and how it does several awesome things all at the same time. (might have to make it a audio/video to convey what I need) and also give some feedback on the ones you guys list. I will also be actively commenting back giving more feedback and tips (unlike almost every other PUA who for some reason hate writing and posting on their OWN site??? WTF)
But I wanted to share this….I get asked some crazy fucking stuff….and as long as you guys are trying to improve I am always happy to help as much as I can.
Well this actually came up in an OLD flashchat and I saved it, because it might be the WORST DHV I have ever heard!
[Mxxxxxxx] 5:38 pm: You’ve read the Da Vinci Code, right? I grew up in an Opus Dei environment and received the most warped sex education. I thought children were created through a “special embrace”. I had no idea what this “special embrace” was, but I was told that you can also get AIDS from it. I sadly resigned to the fact that I will marry someone special for who she is even if I don’t ever have sex with her because I didn’t want to get AIDS…
[Mxxxxxxx] 5:39 pm: Anyway it’s Filipino custom to greet relatives and close friends with a kiss on the cheek LIKE THIS (demonstrate kiss on cheek) and I had this Uncle who always held my head like THIS and gave me a big beardy wet kiss RIGHT on the LIPS. It was like in slow motion every time he’d go in for the kiss as I winced in helplessness. I panicked that I might be getting AIDS from my uncle. No tongue, just so you know.
[Mxxxxxxx] 5:39 pm: Anyway, my eyes were eventually opened and to this day I am AIDS-free, but that does not mean I still let my uncle plant a wet one on me.
So that is a pretty good example of how trying to convey to a chick that you are healthy and STD free (while a good thing) and trying to kino, if done poorly can do hurt more than help.
It also goes against one of my rules about bringing up AIDS within a few minutes after meeting someone (rape also falls into that category)
But better to find this out on an anonymous FREE forum where guys are here to help you…than to crash and burn with a hottie
OK comment below and lets try and make your DHVs kick ass!
how about DHV spikes during marriage…or even better…when your marriage goes downhill…you re DHV by ignoring her more than being crammed up her butt. The routines may not fit but you would be suprised what C/F and other techniques assist in keeping things interesting…real…and your frame (or power) on top.
Hey guys Hibs here, I find that when I was learning this , I had some trouble going overboard with this”DHV thing” over the years, as I began to work with more people I decided sometimes you best DHV is just to simply not DLV, as you progress you seem more natural . Having a calendar with a list of cool things going on allows for you life to be full of natural DHVS especially if you are doing things you are passionate about, and as I read a post on here, , when you speak from a place of passion, ..Its contagious, natural, and powerful for creating connection.
BE-(the change) Hibs
no it wasn’t….just trying to comment to get a backlink….
Thanks for sharing, although I’m not magic pro, this DHV was decent..
I’m baaaaaaack!
Anyway, this is a great post and great idea, Bravo! DHV’s seem like a hard thing to wrap your head around at first.
I’ve always noticed girls turn on and get super excited whenever i’m talking about my dreams and goals, things i’m doing, creating, working on, places i’m going or have been. I feel like my creative side (animation, writer, artist) is a dhv, although never really been sure how to express that in conversation. Same with my work (astronomer/space artist)…people are insanely interested if it just comes up, light up, pepper me with questions. But if I try to talk about it first, it doesn’t work!
Seems to work best if I can maneuver them in to asking the questions and let them dig it out of me…
what a creepy uncle…
care to share some examples?
The best DHV in my opinion is well timed honesty.
So here is a 4-minute palmistry routine which I run almost verbatim, 7-8 minutes in a set, after isolating my target.
Fate line:
Where will I start? OK, so let’s start with your fate line because it is a distinguishing feature in that it (does whatever it does). That means that as a child or adolescent you had some experience where you were asked to become an adult before you were ready. Yeah, I know, that was very difficult for you. However, as much as that was very hard (pause), everything that has happened to you makes you who you are today. And given you like who you are today, you can therefore thank that event for making you who you are. You are more able to feel deeply and live as an adult because of it.
Heart Line
Now your heart line. Because it curves up to between your index and middle fingers, it means that as a little girl you always had dreams of a perfect-man. And you always thought that a perfect-man would walk into your life. However, at some stage, as much as your perfect-man could be right in front of you, you may have trouble even recognizing him and more trouble meeting him and seizing the opportunity that is right in front of you because if we look over here to your Mound of Venus … as I said, this represents your heart also.
Mound of Venus
Your Mound of Venus is this fleshy area here. If you have a close look, you will see these small lines that run up and down and side to side. Now these lines represent bars like in a jail over your heart. And it means that you have a caged heart. It means that you hold yourself back and don’t give yourself completely to all the people in your life. But you know that. You know that sometimes you are shy, or scared or lack some confidence, or try to act cool, or say the right thing, or act lady-line and you don’t just be yourself and just relax even with your best friends. And you hold people out of your life, and stop people from really getting to know you and relax in a non-judgmental way. And you’d be a lot happier if you could not lock yourself up, but rather let everyone else in, and give yourself to the people around you. And then you can just relax and be comfortable with yourself and everyone in your world. You don’t need to hold yourself back and watch your manners and what is “the right thing to say”. And in that way your heart is caged. And you have trouble taking the new opportunities right in front of you, and this especially needs to be watched when you meet your perfect-man.
Life line reading
This is your life line. It talks about your course of action for a decision that is in your life at the moment. This shows a time of separating paths. Old skins need to be shed in order for you to embrace the new things. There are certain things, people, or ideas in your life that are outmoded (point at in direction of Obstacle or boyfriend), and these things are stopping you from doing all those things that you really want to do, but never before allowed yourself to enjoy as completely as what you are about to enjoy. So all those things that are holding you back, you can now just take and throw away. Like you threw away an old piece of clothing that you never wear. You can put those things that are stopping you in the same place, and allow yourself to enjoy this moment, and go with the flow of the times. All your worries fade away and in place are the pleasures of new experiences that you are about to experience, and new relationships that you are about to cultivate. As you realise that you are about to move forward to places you always wanted to go, but have never been. You want to drink the wine that those things holding you back won’t let you drink, and experience the things you want to. This is a time for you, and to hell with the rest.
Head Line reading:
Your head line tells me that you are highly intuitive and that you follow your intuition when making decisions. I mean if you can think of a piece of clothing that you have worn lots and lots and that you completely love. And no matter how many times you wear it, you always look great in it and you love it to bits. And as you think of that you should think back to when you were in the shop buying it. And remember when you were looking at it, and that feeling of just being sure that this is right for you. And remember the feeling that you felt in your body. This feeling of sureness. Because that is your intuition. And when you feel like this you need to trust your instincts and follow your intuition always. You need to trust it above and beyond everything else and do the thing that you are sure about.
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It is something I have developed and learned about a lot over the last 6 months or so.
I use to be afraid of being a Marine and sharing my stories and exciting travels because I thought all women hated Marines. Come to find out, those stories and travels are what made me into the man I am today! ( and of course, help from you and the brothers)
Now, I use what tools I have been given, and share my stories and exiting adventures with whomever I meet, especially women.
Any chance I get, I jump at an opportunity to share my adventures with both women and men.
In my opinion, It is not bragging, if you are sharing with with people whom you are trying to connect with and find out if there is anything you have in common.
If you can not find something cool and genuine in yourself, how can she?
Great post Bravo! That story cracks me up! As always, timely and impactful information on your blog.
DHV’ins, IMO, isn’t something you do, it’s something you are. I’ve worked relentlessly on building my life into one big DHV from traveling, to organizing get togethers, being social, having fun, being a leader in all areas of my life and just generally doing kick a$# things.
The more I’ve developed my leadership traits the more this naturally comes into my interactions with people and more specifically women. I call the shots on where we are going, I take initiative by starting conversations with people, inserting my opinion in conversations, leading conversations, discussing interesting things going on in my life, being confident and comfortable with myself.
A lot of the guys we help on flashchats don’t even realize some of the awesome things they have going on in their lives and their overall personality. Learing to be more successful with women is really about finding yourself, learning how to convey attractive parts of your personality in a socially intelligent way and learning how to go after what you want in life.
I think at the end of the day, women are attracted to leaders. You have to learn to lead youerself, then lead others and then lead them….to your bedrooom. 🙂
One of my bad habits is not really qualifying the girl enough.
So I always practice telling DHV stories, that, when she responds to them, sets me up to disqualify her.
In the tool bet at the moment are:
Mentioning my major (psychology) which leads them to mention theirs. I push them away after I learn what theirs is.
Also leads right into any sort of fun psychic stuff.
Traveling experiences, specifically how a Canadian girl and I drove by ourselves across the entire outback. World travel, hanging out with women. Then get her to tell me her travel experiences.
I do a bit of card magic (not because of Mystery or pu) so after I show them some effects, I make them show me one. Everyone loves an epic magic performance. Specifically, “French Kiss”, by Wayne Houchin.
Those are the normals, then, pending the current situation, some of the unique, fun things I have done in my life make it into the story. I usually only bring these in if the girl says something that is related to my topics, that way it makes it seem like I’m not just bragging. She brought it up!
These include, and are all real:
-fencing (sword fighting)
-first time I shot an AK47 + AR15
-snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef
-thumb wrestling
And the absolute biggest one, yet sometimes tricky
-talking about and DISPLAYING KNOWLEDGE ABOUT relationships. (and why guys suck at them, except for me)
everything you are talking about is a chance to DHV, just being cool and interesting, funny, intelligent, are DHVs that you can display and convey just by small talking
IMO you have the best site”
I agree!!!
Will get into this more on the next post but your part- “So what do you enjoy doing in her spare time? (wait for her to answer). Oh, cool …”
is kind of boring, Southern Charm’s way comes across as more fun and playful
but the biggest part is
you then just say, ok cool, then go into YOUR story
you need to talk to her about HER, let her open up, pull out of her DHVs, get past boring interview questions and have her share some cool stuff
THAT is when you start really building a connection
you dont want it to seem like you are just waiting to talk about yourself
make sense?
(her part of the convo could be more important than anything you say about yourself after…)
I WIN!!!
-I do his “worst_____ ever” line all the time…I’m such a nerd
need more info, write out an example of how you palm read a girl
write it out like a transcript of an audio recording, so we can read what you say and when
Ya if I remember correctly he fizzled out shortly after….so hopefully if anything he learned to drop the AIDS talk!
asking questions that you are just waiting for them to ask YOU after is a great way to lead the conversation
And I KNOW you have those stories and experiences lined up and ready….
but for guys who do NOT yet, GO OUT AND GET THEM
Once you are leading a cool and interesting life, DHV storytelling will easily follow!
dhv* dhv* damn auto correct
The only time I div is when someone says something that I can branch off of into a div story. I don’t go out of my way to dhv, I am a dhv.
IMO you have the best site because you participate in your own site. In the other site that I paid for, this was a RARITY.
Anywho, I just came up with this DHV and would love to hear your and other students feedback on this. Here goes:
So I would ask something like ” So what do you enjoy doing in her spare time? (wait for her to answer). Oh, cool ….well I really like trying new things. I actually just started doing brazilian jiu jitsu. To be honest, at first I could not see myself doing something that physically and mentally demanding. But after a while , I saw myself improving and I was having a lot of fun at the same time. The best feeling is after class when I know I realize how much I have improved from the previous class.”
Ok, so the subtle DHVs here are:
1.) Willingness to try new things
2.) Combat sports = Alpha
3.) Pushing myself mentally and physically.
Looking forward to other peoples critiques.
PS: Bravo, it may not be your cat story….but what is?
like/ +1
One of my problem is when I run some mega-DHV (Cube, Palmistry) afterwards, when I run some high energy routines … my target goes like “Are you serious?”. Ya know? Like they want my reality to be like James Bond.
I mean IOIs are coming like tsunami, but I don’t know where to go from there…
Should I stop the use of routines from there?
that motherf*cker!!! making us filipinos look crazy!
and maybe we are but not in THAT way…lol
I feel really bad for that guy’s coach. He’s got quite a project ahead of him.
my fav DHV was always plain old story telling…which got taken to another level after Bravo taught me the structure of proper DHV stories.
But how to get to telling these stories without seeming like its something I REALLY wanted to tell? Sometime in the conversation I would simply ask…
“So tell me, what’s the most awesome thing you have done in the past year?”
Invariably, I would get one of two answers. Either “Um…I dont know. I havnt done anything THAT awesome lately” or “OMG, I did this this and this….it was so amazing!”
Would tease them if it was that former response, and search for commonalities to talk about in the later one.
But no matter how they responded, they would immediately follow up with “ok…so what is the most awesome thing YOU have done in the past year”
And that is an open invitation to tell whatever DHV story seems most appropriate at the time
how many of you guys, when you saw the pic, read it in your head, in his voice?
wow…just wow haha