7 fashion tips every AFC should follow

(Actually these are tips that EVERY guy should take to heart)
Before I got married, I was pretty successful with women…but after my divorce I felt like I had lost all my Mojo. It was like I broke my back and had to learn to walk again. Then I read, THE GAME, and my life was changed forever. I felt like a secret had just been shared with me, and I was willing to do whatever it took to transform my life.
One of the biggest sticking points I was going to undertake was rebuilding my identity, specifically my look/style.This was perhaps the toughest part of my journey. I definitely had a look…the problem was that it wasn’t a look that women responding to positively. The shirts I owned that I considered “cool” at the time were purchased years ago, some dating as far back as high school! Here are 7 tips that I used to rebuild my look, which helped boost my confidence to go out and start sarging.


Fashion and style are always evolving and changing. If you haven’t changed or upgraded some parts of your wardrobe over the last couple of years, chances are you could use a trip to the clothing store for new shoes, shirts and jeans. I think back to high school when I hated clothes shopping with a passion. It was because I was doing it all wrong. Normally I would go out and spend the whole day trying on stuff and dropping a ton of money; not any more…


Look around every few weeks for something cool and new. It’s much easier to run in and try on 2-3 shirts or a pair of jeans, and still have the rest of the day to do other things. This also ensures that you constantly have new items working their way into your wardrobe so you don’t wear the same 3 shirts each weekend. During my fashion-troubled days, I was heavily into doing the tactical training stuff. My image remained static and unchanging. I always had the same look which included short hair, combat boots, cargo pants, and a big, thick, nylon belt. If my day’s activities involved going to battle, I was dressed for the occasion. However, if talking to woman was on the agenda…well let’s just say they weren’t digging it.


While your clothing should help convey your interests and career, they shouldn’t be totally based off these things. The key is being able to maintain your identity and interest without compromising a look that is in style and aesthetically pleasing. Find out which clothes are cool by browsing through magazines like GQ or Esquire to find out what stores carry the stylish brands, then go find clothes in those stores that you like. In order to begin improving my look, I asked some females for fashion advice. It turns out women love talking about this stuff…a few of them even volunteered to help me shop! One common suggestion they all gave me was that I should buy some new shoes. Women love shoes. They take a lot of time choosing the shoes that they wear and they look for guys who do the same. Unfortunately, this went in one ear and out the other, I LIKED my boots! It wasn’t until a few years later I realized I should have listened…


Are you still wearing the same lame, beat up pair of sneakers you had 3 years ago? If so, consider this as the first item you replace when shopping for your new wardrobe. Even though I put up some resistance here, I did do a few things right away that got me on the proper path to my new look.


The first thing I did was stop getting an eight dollar haircut where the lady just used an electric trimmer. It is worth it to go to a nicer place where they take their time on each customer, giving you a haircut that is customized for you. I also started to grow some facial hair, for a week it didn’t look so good, but once it grew in, the compliments began rolling in and I knew I was on to something!
The complements made me want to take this further. I started to look around at cool T-shirts, lost my ancient pair of jeans from the nineties, and picked up a few accessories. My old definition of accessorizing was carrying a flashlight and pocket knife (always be prepared, right?) Now I was doing it with a cool necklace, a few rings, and a leather bracelet. Once again the compliments from girls kept rolling in and growing in numbers. I may have thought accessorizing was lame in the past, but the compliments were the part that got me over it. When the ladies love it, it’s all good in my book!


Having accessories is a sure fire way to boost the coolness factor of any outfit. Consider watches, necklaces, bracelets, rings, wrist bands, ties, scarves, wallet chains, and any other jewelry or fun extra you can think of. Experiment to see which ones you enjoy and which fit your new look.
Once you start to get into this stuff, you’ll develop your own fashion sense as your own personal style grows and evolves. I started buying shirts I would never have purchased before; my combat boots were replaced by pointy leather Italian shoes – with a matching leather belt taking over for the tactical belt. The last thing I will mention, and the last item of clothing I changed, was my underwear…


Hanes tighty whiteys three pack for nine bucks is cool when you are in school, but we are men now. I got a few pairs of Calvin Klein briefs and trunks, and as soon as the ladies started seeing them, the comments started rolling in. Once again…all the proof I needed! My drawer is now loaded with them.If you’re getting unsolicited, positive feedback on your looks from beautiful women, then you’re on the right track. Otherwise, take an honest look in the mirror and take stock in what your look tells women. It will take a little bit of work to transform yourself, but when you do, you will look in the mirror and see a pretty cool looking guy staring back at you. And, so will the beautiful women that will love the new you.

19 thoughts on “7 fashion tips every AFC should follow

  1. Syrrah :


    After I saw your After photo, I thought “hey, now there’s finally a style that would work for me.” Hell, I even had all those clothes in my wardrobe already. I’m looking for a different vest now, though, so I don’t use my black dress vest.

    Just wanted to say thanks. I’ve been getting good responses from people when I’m out and about.


    glad I could help brother!

  2. Bravo,
    After I saw your After photo, I thought “hey, now there’s finally a style that would work for me.” Hell, I even had all those clothes in my wardrobe already. I’m looking for a different vest now, though, so I don’t use my black dress vest.
    Just wanted to say thanks. I’ve been getting good responses from people when I’m out and about.

  3. good stuff. i think the key for guys trying to change their look is, don’t be afraid to experiment with things that make you uncomfortable at first. try new things, see what gets you positive reactions, and your own style will develop from there. i tried the whole Mystery look when i started as a pua, and although i realized that moon boots and goggles are not my thing, i developed a confidence, knowing i can wear whatever the fuck i want, and i can feel good about it. you will also get different reactions from different types of girls depending on how you dress. what is your target market? the reason Mystery dresses so outlandishly is because of what he is shooting for. he says “i want the hot, slutty club girls, the ones i could never get. they want to play groupie, so i have to play rockstar” which makes perfect sense.
    a great accessory that i use, as anyone who knows me or has seen pictures knows, is beads. yes, cheap, ten cent mardi gras beads that you can buy in bulk from any party store. i never go out without three strands on. i like beads for several reasons. first, when i enter a bar/club with beads on, it gives the appearance that i’ve just come from another party, or that i’ve been out having fun somewhere else, which shows i’m a fun guy. second, not many people wear beads, so it sets me apart immediately from every other guy in there. also, i have several DHV stories that i use when people ask me where i got them, i.e. “these are my special mardi gras beads that i got on bourbon street” etc. also, GIRLS LOVE BEADS!!! when i enter a club with beads on and start cold or warm approaching, i guarantee that within 30 minutes, at least two women will have asked me for a string of beads. but i don’t give them out. i play hard to get. i say “give you my beads? omg, you have no idea what i had to do for these, i can’t part with them” and then when they start to beg i say something like “maybe later, we’ll see”. even though i’m not technically locking them in, i am mentally locking them in, as they will be persistent and hound me for these stupid beads. if a girl says something like “oh, do i need to flash you for the beads?”, i actually give her an IOD and act like her boobs mean nothing to me. you want MY beads and you expect me to give them to you for showing me your boobs? boobs are like hands to me, they mean nothing. i dont SAY those words, but i reflect that attitude, and it works. then, towards the end of the night, whichever girl/girls i’ve selected as my real targets for the night, after i’ve number closed/kiss closed/possibly headed towards a full close, i’ll give out a strand or two, but i always keep at least one.
    i’m not telling you to go out and wear beads, but i’m saying try things out, you’ll be surprised what works for you, and you’ll never know until you try it…

  4. This is a solid article, well written and edited 😉
    Seriously, good stuff here. I especially like that it shows vests are cool.

  5. Mackaholic :

    Hey Bravo. Where did you get those mood rings from? And the other rings? Besides the mood rings, do you have a story to go along with the other rings? I’m kinda stealing your fashion… Lol.

    Feel free to use my style as a reference point, but remember you need to find your own path.
    In Phx there is a mineral and rock store at one of the malls. They sell tons of crystals and rocks, lots of hippy shit.
    They also sold stone rings and mood rings. They were 1-2 bucks each. I would load up on them, wear 1 when out, then use as a lock in prop. When I would go home I would just grab a fresh one. You can find stuff like that all over the internet.

  6. Hey Bravo. Where did you get those mood rings from? And the other rings? Besides the mood rings, do you have a story to go along with the other rings? I’m kinda stealing your fashion… Lol.

  7. Johnny Ocean :


    Underwear is overrated. Going commandois the way to go!

    “…as soon as the ladies started seeing them, the comments started rolling in.” If I’m dropping my pants, my underwear is not what I want being complimented:)

    they generally see the underwear before the cock, and MANY times you can be in your underwear for a while before sexy time. Girls care SO much about theirs so we should learn from that.
    Many girls will tell me the embarrassing stuff from their last relationships, and amazed at how many times underwear is mentioned…

    Underwear is overrated. Going commandois the way to go!
    “…as soon as the ladies started seeing them, the comments started rolling in.” If I’m dropping my pants, my underwear is not what I want being complimented:)

  9. I actually just got complimented on my style tonight, which would have never happened in the past. I actually explained to her that it was all fairly new and went into the story of my change, which impressed her further.
    Bravo, any tips on summer fashion? I’m a jean guy, and my cargo shorts are just killing me haha

  10. Sweetcheeks :

    Where did you find that vest? Last few times I’ve been to the mall I’ve been looking for a nice casual vest and haven’t had any luck. Usually I can get the majority of my stuff at Nordstrom but not that…

    Also what’s a good place to get accessories? I have a couple King Baby rings and necklaces but I want a cheaper alternative.

    Thanks for your time,

    Think the vest if from G by Guess, similar to Guess but less expensive and cooler IMO.
    The accessories are from Overstock.com, Amazon, Guess, and H&M= one of my favorite spots (and SUPER cheap)

  11. MrMemphis :


    The first thing I did was stop getting an eight dollar haircut where the lady just used an electric trimmer.”

    I get a 12 dollar hair cut and it looks awesome ;) The trick is; find an old barber shop. I mean a REAL barber shop. The one I go to has 4 old guys in it. All they do is cut men’s hair and they’re d*mn good at it.

    On top of which, a barber shop is a great place for male bonding/conversation. Yes, they are just like you see on the movies; friendly and conversations flying left and right. Some people just come by to hang out.

    It is DEFINITELY not the same atmosphere as a supercuts. Trust me. Check one out.

    I actually have been doing that the last few haircuts, Hitman, Topher have been going to Floyds in Hollywood, I wasnt super impressed, and think Topher just got burned on one, but it was good, just not as good at my $50 dollar one in Beverly Hills…
    But wish I had one like that, that I loved

  12. Where did you find that vest? Last few times I’ve been to the mall I’ve been looking for a nice casual vest and haven’t had any luck. Usually I can get the majority of my stuff at Nordstrom but not that…
    Also what’s a good place to get accessories? I have a couple King Baby rings and necklaces but I want a cheaper alternative.
    Thanks for your time,

    The first thing I did was stop getting an eight dollar haircut where the lady just used an electric trimmer.”
    I get a 12 dollar hair cut and it looks awesome 😉 The trick is; find an old barber shop. I mean a REAL barber shop. The one I go to has 4 old guys in it. All they do is cut men’s hair and they’re d*mn good at it.
    On top of which, a barber shop is a great place for male bonding/conversation. Yes, they are just like you see on the movies; friendly and conversations flying left and right. Some people just come by to hang out.
    It is DEFINITELY not the same atmosphere as a supercuts. Trust me. Check one out.

  14. @r-bro
    Excellent advice. The only thing I’d add is to not be afraid to stand out. Don’t be random guy number 453. Be different. Have a look that draws attention in a positive way.

  15. Great post.
    I’d also advise checking out men’s fashion blogs which have provided me with a glut of useful advice and idea for outfits.

  16. Whenever I start training a new student, a fashion makeover is one of the FIRST things we do. It helps the student break out of his old shell and leave the past behind him. We have all heard the saying “when you look good, you feel good,” which is another way of saying “your exterior mirrors your interior.” It is also one of the easier aspects of game that you can work on TODAY and feel a difference instantly after. And remember we all don’t wear furry top hats and pink boas…

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