The Top 7 Online Dating Mistakes Guys Make
The Top 7 Online Dating Mistakes Guys Make and how to fix them!
For most guys setting up an Online Dating Profile is hard. They don’t know where to start, which pictures to upload, or even which apps to start use. Here is a simple 7 step guide to help you set up an awesome Online Dating Profile, where I break down the biggest mistakes that thousands of my previous students have made.
1. Online dating is not a replacement for real life interactions!
Your social skills won’t just magically appear when you are on an Online Dating date! If you want to have a great date, not get ghosted after your 1st date, and end up with a girlfriend, you need to practice your social skills! Approaching women you are attracted to during the day, at the grocery store at the gym, at the coffee shop, etc, just being able to make small talk with strangers, learning and practicing how to be social and comfortable in new environments = ALL will make your online dating interactions much more successful!
2. Which Online Dating sites should I use?
- Social media is just that, it isn’t a dating app. Trying to “slide into her DMs” isn’t the best tactic or use of your time. Once you level up and have a great social media profile go for it, but I still don’t really recommend. Women on legit dating apps are there FOR GUYS TO HIT ON THEM!
- FREE Online Dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, Coffee Meets Bagel, Hinge are best, but try them all! I like to “split test” different profile angles to see which has the most success, then when I have a solid profile, make them all the same.
- PAID apps may be a good place to try after you have leveled up and are looking for a more serious relationship, and if you are an older guy looking for online dating connection. I never spent any $ on them.
3. Learn about the enemy.
- 1st off the enemy is not the women on the sites, they are the other men, your competition! When setting up a new account, or setting up a test account, do a quick scan to see what you are up against.
- Look at the pics they are using, do yours even come close?
- Change your settings back to looking for women!!
4. Use DHV pics
- Which pictures should I use for my Online Dating Profile? Simple, you DHV pics! = DHV stands for Demonstrates Higher Value
- “A picture is worth 1000 words”
- A low quality selfie of you sitting in your minivan, forcing a smile (that looks like you also may be shitting your pants) isn’t a DHV, that is a DLV pic!
A great example of what NOT to use for your Online Dating Profile Picture - Multiple, quality, clear, pics that make you look cool, living a cool life, doing cool things, and like you are having fun.
- No shirtless pics, unless you are doing something like surfing or jet skiing.
- No selfies.
- Less is more, you don’t have to upload all the pics as you can, but use more than 2.
- “Bro pics” drinking at the bar holding a beer bottle are lame.
- Group pics are ok, but only for 1-2 and make sure you look good in them! Don’t post a group pic, with lots of other dudes who are all better looking and cooler than you!
- No gun pics -against the rules on many online dating sites and makes you look like a crazy gun guy!
5. Bio/About me
- Doesn’t just state what the pictures show.
- Convey personality, downplay DHVs. A little “cocky funny” energy works well here.
- Less is more, don’t write a book. A few quick lines works better than multiple paragraphs.
- I loved to end my Online Dating Profile with a “Please Do Not Message Me” list. Disqualify a few groups/archetypes. Make it funny/playful/or mysterious!
6. Angles/filters
- Watch out for women who try to deceive you with their Online Dating profile pics by using odd angles!
I just saved your life with this tip! - Swipe left on heavily filtered/touched up pics.
- Oddly cropped pics are usually a red flag, look at the other pics to see if they are trying to hide something!
7. Swiping
- Don’t swipe right on every woman you see! Hinge, Bumble, and all the other Online Dating apps have algorithms that will know what you are doing. Be at least a little picky!
- Don’t spend all day swiping, do a little in the morning, a little at night, and a little when on the can.
- Don’t spend any money on the apps to get boosts, until your page is dialed in and you know it works. Then a boost every once in a while might be a good idea. I only did 2x ever, and it was mostly to test. Otherwise it isn’t needed.
What is next?
- Messaging = What to say, how long should they be, how ofter?
- Number closing = Getting her off the app ASAP is your goal, how to accomplish that so other guys don’t message her while you 2 are talking?
- Phone/text game = You got her off the app, now what?? Build a connection and lock down that date
- DHV dates = How to plan dates that don’t suck.
- Building a sexual connection = When to go for the kiss, how to know if she is comfortable and wants you to put the moves on her, and how to give her an experience that makes her girlfriends jealous!
- All of that, and more is just some of the things I teach to my students. If you need more help you have 2 options below, check out my coaching program and start getting direct help today.
Or sign up for my free email list, which will send you FREE training vids and recordings that have helped countless others already.
Bravo – I sending this to you in the hopes that other guys who are struggling to find answers about online dating read this. Feel free to share it. It’s honest, nothing more, nothing less.
Let me preface this by noting I am a clinical and forensic psychologist (yes, doctorate level). I study people. I can’t even estimate the number of couples I have counseled. Almost six weeks ago, my relationship finally ended (a dentist can still get a cavity). I have heard horror stories about online dating from both male and female patients. In the same boat, I was confused, anxious, and even considered returning to that terrible ex. Online dating isn’t natural, and it’s fucking weird. I sought some clarity on the internet and repeatedly saw folks referencing someone named Bravo. I finally found a video of him explaining online dating. It blew my mind! I sought him out, and it’s paid off in dividends already. I would have never figured this out on my own despite seven years of grad school and a ton of professional experience. My online game is like fishing with dynamite. He has made it so easy!
As a psychologist, I am amazed at what you have put together, Bravo. It all makes so much sense now, and the results speak for themselves. You are my new favorite person! I’m so impressed. You have had a major impact on my life in a few short weeks. Thank you! And I hope you know that. You really have!
If you are struggling with online dating, check out Bravo’s online coaching program (after you do, say hi – I am a real person). He has put in years of work figuring this out, so we don’t have to. What you will learn from him is priceless, and the collective mind of the other group members accelerates this process. All the things you won’t even say to your closest friends about your insecurities will at some point come up in the online coaching program. Bravo is the guy I go to for help with online dating.
Online dating is confusing! Why struggle?
Wanted to give you guys an update from our Online Game coaching call yesterday – Every single call there’s always something to learn and take away from and this week was no exception. The main discussion was Bravo’s new, short bio. I’ve played around with my bio and tested a few to some great success, but the last month it’s been a bit slow for me, in terms of likes and matches. Decided to try out the new short bio (which short bios really haven’t worked well for me in the past) and my god within the 1st hour I got over 20 matches and already scheduled a date for tomorrow. Since implementing yesterday, as of 4pm today, I’ve gotten over 100 “likes” between both Tinder and Bumble and over 40 matches to go through. If you haven’t signed up yet, I STRONGLY recommend.
I gotta say, no one teaches like Stephen does. I’ve been following his Online Game program since he first rolled it out, and it gets better and better with each iteration. He understands that online dating isn’t a one size fits all skillset, so the program evolves constantly as sites and apps change. One of the biggest game changers is the access to the Discord server which gives you near instant feedback from not only Stephen, but a host of awesome guys who want to see you succeed just as much. Everything from reviewing profile pictures, openers, and cool things to mention in your About Me section are always right at your finger tips.
Recently during this quarantine, Stephen launched his Immediate Responders program where he teaches us a bunch of cool shit about survival, guns, knives, flashlights, improvised weapons, and more. When the quarantine first started, I started feeling depressed because I had nothing to do and just sat around. But with program launched, suddenly I had these really cool Zoom meeting to look forward to every week. They’re not just lectures either. Stephen gives everyone individual attention as he goes over exercises and answers questions. Plus, with homework every week, quarantine never became boring again and was leveling up in the process! I can honestly say it’s been some of the most informative and, more importantly, most productive months I’ve had in a long time.
Since signing up for the Online Game 4.0 I’ve seen not just more matches / better results on Tinder and Bumble but from higher quality and hotter women that I’d actually want to see.
The best thing from this is not just the content but the tools you have to develop yourself, change the way you think and how to become a better person. If you use this correctly, you can definitely see upgrades in your life. There is no magic bullet, but this is the best thing out there you can use to load up and fire directly on target.
Been using Bravo’s 4.0 Online game and I can say this is one the best courses he has released and easily accessible. Bravo always produces quality programs and this is no different. Make no mistake, just like everything else in life, you do have to put work in, but Bravo provides the tools to get you from no matches to consistently getting matched up with women and having an abundance to choose from. If you’re on the fence about getting this, then I STRONGLY recommend going for it. You’ll learn so much the minute you join, you’ll be happy you pulled the trigger.
Review of your program so far=
Stephen is a dating expert who came highly recommended by Hypnotica. After doing 1 coaching call with him, I could tell right away that he’s a cool guy who knows his stuff and wants to help.
I was working with another coach whose program was more expensive and didn’t provide much feedback at all or would show me random stuff that had nothing to do with my situation. Whereas with Stephen’s program, we are able to go over whatever I want such as online game, inner game, logistics, etc. He also tells funny stories to put things in perspective which makes the calls more fun and enjoyable.
We also have a private message board and weekly chat that we can use to interact and share stories with like minded people who are also in the program so you get the help of a mastermind as well.
I would definitely recommend this guy’s program for sure.
Having had decent success with meeting women in bars and clubs, I never took online game seriously — until I saw Bravo give his online game presentation at The 21 Convention.
Having met Bravo once before, and then again at T21C, I knew this guy was “the real deal”, and because of that, I took the overall speech pretty seriously, and, inspired specifically by the speech, re-activated my ancient POF account only a few days later.
I implemented a number of the things Bravo mentioned during the speech … and I know this will sound like complete BS, but hooked up with two hotties within about a week, two consecutive nights in a row — and they friggin worked together! (Which is even harder to believe, because they are both massage therapists).
My roommates were as blown away as I was having seen this go down, and knowing full well how I met these girls.
What’s more, I started dating the first out of those two, who is extremely attractive, and extremely cool. High quality is an understatement. And adding insult to injury, this is literally my first girlfriend — and I would not have even been on POF, let alone met her, without Bravo and his work in online game.
Thanks Bravo — seriously.
— Anthony Dream Johnson
CEO & Founder: The 21 Convention
I’ve used Bravos online game to meet girls all over the Country. Travelling a lot for work and pulling 12 hour shifts makes it extremely difficult to find the time to meet girls, and build enough attraction to make anything happen in a new city.
Using Bravos online game I can now meet girls from the city I’m about to visit, build attraction, and set up a date all before I even arrive. Guys from my work comment on how I have a girl in every port, lol.
Thanks again Bravo
I met my GF using Bravo’s Online Game 1.0, and we have been together for almost a year now. Bravo’s Online Game 2.0 infinitely more effective than his 1.0 program and I would recommend it to anyone! Regardless of your goals for wanting to meet girls online, Bravo’s program can help you achieve those goals!
thank you for the mind-blowing presentation at the Stylelife Conference.
While all of you guys with Style had much great stuff to say, your presentation on online game was the most revelatory for me, as I thought online game was non-existent.
Meaning that I thought using websites to picku up ladies was lame and a waste of time, putting you in line behind thousands of other guys waiting to get responses from the females, but now you have proven the opposite, and shown exactly how to do it!
Hey guys!
Just thought I’d give a little review for those of you who haven’t yet purchased Bravo’s Online Game program. I’m not a fan of reading lengthy posts so I’ll assume you guys are the same way.
Literally the same night I got it I was able to update my profile to be more appealing and started getting responses from girls I was messaging. Before it was very hit and miss…now I can say whatever, sometimes just “I’m not so sure about you.” and they message back with something from my profile. I even get girls messaging me now. 🙂
The program tells you exactly what you can say in your about section, covers different situations and just gives you a heads up on how online game works. Bravo’s stuff is tested and is definitely worth the money.
If anyone has any questions let me know.
Definitely a must buy for anyone who wants to be good at online game.
– Epic
Bravo’s Online Game is incredibly effective. I was getting very little traffic with my Plenty of Fish account. After using Bravo’s program I had immediate results. With some changes to my about me section, my pictures, and some openers, I am getting so much traffic that it’s almost too much to keep up with. The great part about it is that I can do it in my free time. I can go on for a little while at night and set up dates for that week. As someone with a busy schedule, this is so convenient. It’s also great if you live farther out of town or are new to an area. You will be meeting people immediately.
Friends have asked me if it’s worth the money and I have to say no. It’s worth far more than what you pay for it. Especially when you consider the money you might spend going out all the time and all the opportunities you might miss if you suffer from approach anxiety. With Bravo’s program, there is no anxiety. You can do a search for exactly what you are looking for, use one of Bravo’s powerful openers, send them out to several girls you are interested in, and bam, the next day there are messages in your inbox.
Not only that, but with Bravo’s amazing headlines and profile critiques, women will be contacting you. It’s so easy, you can set back and watch as the women check your page out, then you choose who you want. The only problem is that it’s so easy, one might be tempted to stop going out and doing cold approaches.
I highly recommend Bravo’s Online Game to everyone. It works, it’s easy, and you will see immediate results. If you follow his plan you can’t go wrong. It is by far the best online game program on the market.
I never have trouble meeting women in person. So while I knew Bravo knew his stuff, it really didn’t apply to me.
However, my profile has been pure fail. I had no luck with online dating, and ASSumed it was because women were messaged so frequently that my profile got lost in the sea of Plenty of Fish.
Little did I know how little did I know…
Bravo posted a few tips about online game. Since my online dating had been such a failure, I simply cribbed what he had on his profile. And the women came to me. It was as easy as posting a few key phrases; uploading some pictures; and checking my mail every 24 hours.
It was almost like magic. I am not the kind of guy to develop man crushes. But, wow, he has some powerful material!
If he produces an e-book, I’ll be first in line to buy it. I even bought him a membership at the site I read, in recognition for his help.
His advice on online game is top-quality, and I cannot praise enough. A+ material!
Gold! Pure Gold! Bravo’s advice has lead directly to a dramatic increase in my success rates, especially with online game. I’ve taken his methods and made them my own and I’m a completely different guy out there now, its all instinctual. My story was similar to his, recently divorced, needed some help, was ready to grow and he was able to give me the extra juice I needed to take it to the next level.
Listen to Bravo, he knows his game and the results are proven!